2023 19 Aug

The Word of God on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

The heavenly and angelic hosts are sitting down to feast at My table of word here, in the Garden of Meeting, in the citadel of My word, and I, the Lord, bring the greeting of the meeting for those above and those below: Peace to you, peace to you, peace to you!

It is a heavenly and royal celebration on this holy day of remembrance for Christians, for after I gathered My disciples almost two thousand years ago, I wanted them to understand by faith and sight that I came from heaven by birth from a Virgin mother, oh, that I took three of them and We went up the mountain to reveal to them My divinity and its glory, and they saw for a moment My clothing in light and the radiance of My face in heavenly light, and behold, We are at the table here on this holy day of remembrance, and I am leaving My word of the feast to share Myself with it and to rejoice and nourish from heaven those who keep My way, oh, that I have never been with the disciples gathered or with the multitudes who walked after My mercy, it was never that, I, to not speak to them and I Myself to give them from God

O, you watchmen sons in the citadel here, whenever the tabernacle of celebration rises and spreads above in My garden with you, the hosts of saints and angels leap with the spirit, sons, and all sit down for comfort before My word, for the spirit of comfort is the word that comes out of My mouth, and you place it in its book, and on the way, for the comfort of those who seek you after Me, after My work with you, oh, sons.

Therefore, this day is a day of consolation and I am making Myself manifest in the minds and hearts of those who have become accustomed to seeking Me and taking Me from you, and I am telling them that there is a sigh from them in heaven for the unfulfillment of My word, for their mind and heart are only on earth as is their love, oh, and their love for the Lord is small, it is very small, and it keeps on decreasing and does not increase and no love is gathered in heaven for them.

Oh, how can I not speak upon the earth if I am the Word of the Father? How can I silence My work and not speak? If I am not desired, expected and followed, oh, can I not speak anymore? Oh, this is not possible, and behold, My word is always today as it is written, and blessed is and will be the one who has the part to hear from God and does not harden his heart like those of old who perished by disobeying the fulfillment of My word upon them.

Oh, why is there no faith and love for God, the Maker of heaven, earth and man? Oh, how beautiful, how great We have worked and made all things with the word when We decided with Father to make those things that are seen! I will speak at the coming feast about the seen and unseen things of God`s creation, for there must be a clarification from heaven for this truth, that on earth the wandering and the goings of man are great, but I, the Lord, will work with the word and will reveal these mysteries and then I will look upon men, oh, how I will shame them greatly, for man must not dare to tempt the Lord. But can he do this?

Oh, sons, oh sons, the Father cried out twice and said over the people on earth: «Christ isMy beloved Son, listen to Him, for I, the Father, am well pleased with Him!». Oh, who is theone who listens to the Son of the Father, sent to be seen with people on earth, and then to makeman do according to His will the deeds of life and conduct so that it may then be called that manlistens? That is why Father said when He said: «Listen to Him!». (See Matth: 17/5)

Oh, man cannot, he does not listen so that he may be the son of God through obedience.The feast for My Virgin Mother is coming and I am going to speak again and again to the altarservers of the church and I will ask them not to sell the mysteries of God, the flock, the nation andthe country, oh, not to sell them to the wolves, because you, Christians, do not know and do not see what is being planned in the high seats of the country and of the flock of the Romanian nation. Oh, wake up, because the great ones over you are giving you to sell you for nothing to the ruler of this age, to the antichrist, the shepherd of wolves, because these servants only have shepherd`s clothing, but they are wolves who drink and eat and live in luxury like Annas and Caiaphas, the wolves from the time of My crucifixion and who sold Me and gave Me to death like a Lamb given to Pilate for the cross, because they all became afraid of My greatness, just as today`s antichrists fear to the flock and the mystery of Orthodoxy, My flock, oh, and they could not leave their sick and sinful morals to choose those from God that came to earth then, and behold, like those of that time, then these after them also gave so many saints to death, so that only they, only the wolves would remain, and they would be great over people and over Christians.

Oh, sons who are watchmen in My citadel with you, I am now speaking to those that are taking My word from you, and who remain and have been lagging behind in fulfilling My word. Oh, for so long I have been waiting for the love from heaven to work on them. But they have much to do on earth and no longer have time to adorn their eternal life and to have it in heaven. I have always told them: «Remain in My love!», this is how I taught them, for My love is from heaven, it is from the Father, and human love does not last, everything that man loves is fleeting and man always falls from love, and behold, the love that falls so low, so far, is without eternal life in it. My Love bends and does not fall, but man`s love exalts itself, stands high, stands on the side of man, not on the side of love that bends as God does, from Whom love and its work proceed.

I can no longer say to Christians: «Remain in My love, and I will remain in yours». Oh, they have not come near, those who came and did not stay and did not remain; they did not come to stay and remain, because to come and to be then, this means something else, it means to enter into formation, to be taught, to work with God for your creation and to let the Lord make you His son, not you to let yourself be your own maker, oh, woe to the fate of those who do not let themselves be made according to the will of the One Who created man, and to have something to work for those to whom I have given a field to work, and I to give them, they to share and bring fruit if they were placed in the work of the man’s making.

Oh, it is dangerous to seek to lose the opportunity to be made by God if you came into the world as a man! What should God do with you next to Him, with you made by the parents that gave you a body, and the way you have made yourself with your behavior, your mind, all your Godless habits? What should I do with you made by you, who did not stand by to be molded, if you came? Oh, that is not how God makes man, not all of him, not all of man is his own maker if he has come to be made. Behold, you have remained as you were when you came, Christian, oh, and what should I do with you if you insist on remaining as you are, if you still borrow from the spirit of the world?

Man is not a maker. Man must be made by God after taking flesh from his parents. I for man became man, and then I became bread and wine so that you may take Me into you, man, and not also from satan to take if you have come to Me to save you from satan and eternal perdition. Adam did not choose God, but he rather chose the woman instead. Do you hear what he did and what man does with God? He puts Him aside, he gives Him over for a woman, he chooses his woman, My children of Christ, this is what man does, this is what he has learned to do.

Oh, you sons who listen, and you, those who do not listen to the word of eternal life, I want to know you that you are Mine, but you stay mixed with the sons of men, with the sons of the world, My sons. Oh, here is what I am telling you: stay next to Me, stay next to the sons of God so that I know that you are Mine, because behold, a change is needed immediately, a change in everything, in mind and heart, in face and behavior, lest you lose yourselves from Me by staying among the dead, because all the people who do not do the will of God for their life with God on earth are dead.

I am speaking to you, oh sons, to all who want to enjoy God and come to My table of words in the garden at the feasts, for you are still perplexed about your steps every moment, but here is the portrait of a Christian who chooses himself to God: The prayer of meeting with the Lord in the middle of the night, and then from the breaking of dawn for the blessing of the day. The evening prayer then, and much prayer, after love, desired and worked; the dress, the image, the pious, unworldly clothing day and night, as children of glory clothing. Then the food according to the requirements for the people of My word in this time and not just any food, not what comes from an animal or a bird, but only as in heaven: vegetables, fruits, berries, seeds, clean bread, and these all the time, all life, oh, sons. Then the gathering together for the glory brought to the Lord in the spirit of holy brotherhood. Then let not the work for the body surpass that of the soul. Partying with the children of the world is enmity with God, so it is written in the Scriptures, and if you do not listen, Christian, you perish like Israel who did not listen, lest you be mixed with the world and its children.

Behold, some were deprived of faith, because they did not believe beautifully, healthily and steadfastly. Others were deprived of the power for purification from passions and the fear of punishment, and this because of the spirit of judgment, oh sons. I was saying through My trumpet Virginia at the beginning of My workthrough her: „Christians, do not mix with the nations according to the flesh, who are of the world and like the world and that of your house, lest you lose your purity, holiness”, and this I, the Lord, also said two thousand years ago, and I said: „He is not worthy of Me, he cannot be My disciple who does not leave for Me, parents and brothers, husbands and wives, children and ranks, wealth and passions”. (See Matth: 10/37)

Disobedience to the word that is so pleading for not mixing with the spirit of the world, this disobedience is great everywhere, and here is what is seen in the garden here, that the Christian comes with the phone in his bag, with this weapon much more dangerous than the television, he comes and shows it here in the garden and the world enters at My table of the word through this thread, enters through the restless and unloving of God and the word of God. Oh, it is impossible! The Lord`s garden is here, there is no earthly place here, and if you do not grieve for the Lord to leave the spirit of the world within you and the world that enters you from everywhere and you do not grieve that everything has a good or bad reward on earth, and then in heaven, behold, the lack of love for God separates you from the Lord, you do not love Him, you do not obey Him as sons, you do not stand on His side with life and love, and I am sitting at the table here with those in heaven, sons, and there cannot be a mixed meal, because behold, you come without a wedding garment, without preparation, without obedience for preparation, oh, and you have not separated yourself from sin and from the food that does not go for the children of My people today, a people prepared to prepare for Me the glory with which I will appear near them soon, soon, as I have promised this promise for My last people.

Oh, sons, you must be good when you come to My table of words with the saints with whom I go Myself down from heaven to here. I am staying above here with the nine heavens, with all their glory, for the invisible things of God`s creation have been from eternity and are the dwelling places of the Lord and of His saints and of the angelic and heavenly hosts. Worldly cares must not overcome your hearts. Be good in everything and always, for you sit at the table with the saints if you come to My table. Do not go out the gate with desire and mind during the time of sitting at the table of the word, but do not be sought by those of the world, oh, because you have male and female friends in the world and you no longer know that you are with God. It is not like in the world here, in this garden, and you must be and behave as if you are at home with the Lord, otherwise the guards of the garden are held accountable for the disorder that would be caused by some who come not knowing how to come, not knowing yet, and behold, Christians do not know how to sit here on holidays when they gather to sit together at the table with the saints in heaven.

The sky is changing its face, oh sons: What do you say the white clouds are when they line up above the blue of the sky? What secret do they carry? Who carries them? Oh, they hide the glory of the Lord and line up at the command of the Lord above here so that they may cover the secret of the nine heavens, oh sons of the citadel who know the secrets of the Lord with you at this time. I go through the heavens and I show Myself with the written work of My word and I announce Myself to you with it. Only joy and gladness should be on the face of the Christian, for I said: «Rejoice and be glad and be happy when you do the work the will of the Lord!» And, if you work otherwise and are, behold, you oppress one another, oh, and this is not how you are supposed to stand with the Lord and with the brothers, no, sons, no.

I will speak on the feast of My Virgin Mother; I will speak of the sin beneath the gloomy face. The downcast and gloomy face is not for Christians, and it is only for the fearful, and fear stands alongside punishment, so it is written.

The two of My servants are looking at you from beside Me, with whom I go in the unseen things of creation, sons, Moses and Elijah, and here is what they are speaking to you:

— Oh, make the Lord a resting place with you, oh, sons in this citadel settled by the Lord here. Make room for the glory of the Lord with you and build His and your eternity here. The legions of guardian angels surround here unseen the glory of the citadel of the Lord and the Lord is with you. Peace to you, oh, peace to you we are also saying from the Lord on this day of great celebration of His glory since then with us! Amen.

— Now, sons, I, the Lord, am speaking over you and writing with you a blessing for the preparation of the feast and for the celebration of My Virgin mother, and you will be inspired from above for this holy preparation, and I am saying now again:

Those who offer to come with Us and with you to the table of the word here, let them make a promise before Me that I am and will be their God and that they will obey from now on the ordinance that for the people of My word in this time and will be close to you and Me according to My will. And now, peace to you, peace to you, peace to you, O sons! Amen, amen, amen.