The Christian man, son of the true Church,

whose head is Jesus Christ:

The New Jerusalem Church


«Oh, Jerusalem of today, tell to the man what it means to be a Christian and a son of the churh, whose head is Jesus Christ.»

(Excerpt from the Word of God, from 17.02.2003. – O.S. / 02.03.2003. – N.S.)


«And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age» (Ev. Matt. 28/20)



The Gospel of Matthew ends with an unequivocal invitation, addressed to the disciples by the Savior, Jesus Christ, to preach the word of God by word of mouth and by deed. (Matt. 28/19). And as He promised that He would be with them in all their days (see Matt. 28/20), if they would do everything He asked them to do, they soon put on the name of Christ and called themselves Christians (see Acts 11/26). These realities, the Christians and the church, were and will be inseparable forever, developing simultaneously and following precisely the sinuosities of the man’s progress throughout history, seen in the light of God’s special creation.

However, at the moment there are many churches and at least as many families (communities) of Christians. What dramatically separates them is the guide, seen both fundamentally by the head (leader), and complementarily by teaching, guide and catechism. It is evident that all or almost all will pretend that they have Christ as their head in an invisible way,and in a visible way, an approved vicar of This One. Also, as far as the teaching concerns, all the churches pretend that they hold the monopoly of truth and that they promote it with maximum responsibility. However, this thing is impossible.

How many churches are true?


Mathematically speaking, one at the most (or none!) of the churches can hold the absolute truth, and regarding the consequence of the living of the Christian teaching, the things are really dramatic. Also, it is not „the body” which chooses its “head,” but “the head” chooses its „body” and the way it walks on. It is easy to affirm: „We have Christ as our head.” Many do this thing because they have the certainty that their affirmation is unverifiable. However later on, when they are confronted with evidence that confirms that Christ Himself, the Word of God, will choose His people alone to grow and tend it like a flock to the pasture, which gives life, their reaction is scandalous: they have the courage „to fight against God” in order to defend their stand on which they so defiantly have climbed up and from where they chant slogans just because they actually do not believe in God, and this leads them to the belief that He cannot and must not speak. Otherwise, having been known themselves as impostors, they suspect all others of imposture and thus the vicious circle closes up.

However, let us come back to that uplifting promise of our Savior: «And behold, I am with you all the days to the end of the ages». (Matt. 28/20) Who are these «you» of all the days? In the beginning there were the disciples and then the apostles and then the bishops and the priests established through the cities. But how about later on? And how about today? Having arrived here, it is proper to call into memory again an essential thing, which, unfortunately is off- handedly ignored or even maliciously hidden. God promised the constant presence of the prophets among or upon those that He elected to be His successors:«Therefore, behold, I send to you prophets, wise men, and scribes; and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city». (Matt. 23/24);

«God has set some in the assembly: first apostles, second prophets». (1 Cor. 12/28);

«Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge» (1 Cor. 14/29);

«And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets».(1 Cor. 14/32);

«If any man thinks himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him recognize the things which I write to you, that they are the commandments of the Lord». (1 Cor. 14/37);

«It will be in the last days, says God, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy». (Acts 2/17);

«Earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy».prophesy». (1 Cor. 14/1);

«Do not despise prophesies». (1 Thess. 5/20). However, unfortunately, it is just exactly here where one has come. All the prophecies, instead of being carefully and with an increased attention searched out in order to avoid any error of fabrication, are despised and classified in block, as being the modern form of deceiving invented by the devil. «The prophecies came to an end once with the Savior, Jesus Christ», declaim the modern theologians with inflated conviction. Or: «Once with the death of the last apostle, the cycle of the divine revelation came to an end.» (Priest Tache Sterea: „Guide,“ Ed. 1997, page 22); «No one can add to the revelation brought by the Savior.» (Ibid. page 94).

Beyond the fact that these shallow affirmations, almost contradictory and completely groundless, annihilate just the concept of the “Holy Tradition” what actually constitutes a severe heresy, the reality itself invalidates these suppositions. There were prophets after our Savior: Agabus, together with some other prophets, who were working through the Holy Spirit (see Acts 11/27-28; 21/10); Barnabas and Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen and Saul, who were prophesying in the church of Antioch (see Acts 13/1); Judas called Barsabbas and Silas (see Acts 15/22); the four virgin daughters, the daughters of Philip, the deacon (see Acts 21/9). The Savior Himself reveals today by His word the hidden mysteries from ages,showing the incessant continuity of the prophecies, but also the tragic state of separation from Christ, brought about by the forced cephalization of the worldly churches: «The world wanted to be left by its own and the world has no head at all and its worldly church is not from heaven but is uncovered before God and this is how it pray to God, but it cannot be this way, for it is written: «Every woman praying to God with her head unveiled dishonors her head, and her head is her husband». Any church that prays to God with its head unveiled dishonors its head and the head of the church has to be Christ, for Christ is the husband of the church, the Bridegroom of the church, if the church is bride, and if it is not bride it is not Christ’s church, but it is rather from the world and it is not Christian. Christ’s church has a Christian living and a Christian feast, but behold, the Romanian church wanted to be left on its own and it has spoiled its feasts and it changed the holy times from their places and it is not a church any more, for it is a church without saints, since it distorted the holy days and they are no longer at their place 5 and in line with their saints, for every moment has its own blessing and each day confesses its saints.» (Excerpt from the Word of God, from 12.12.1997. – O.S. / 25.12.1997. – N.S.).

Flaws in „the apostolic succession”


It has often been speaking about the so-called „apostolic succession.” Has it got an infallible continuity? Definitely, since 2000 there have been flaws in the chain of succession. This is the only one hypothesis, which explains the real state of fact, the one of dissemination of some „Christian” elites that have not even been parallel for a long time, but rather substantially divergent in their dogmatic evolution. Otherwise, only the absolute sincerity has the power of renewal, similar to the one offered to the penitent through the mystery of confession. The „technique” of covering some mistakes or inaccuracies, even precise, has been proved to be unsuccessful, severely eroding away the trust of the external observer or even of their own eparchy members.

The Word of God, analyzed at this time as a source of additional revelation, but offering exceptional potential valences, clearly affirms that the flaws appeared in the so-called „apostolic” succession are a bitter reality. Indeed, referring to the anointment above nature of the bishop Irineu, the Lord says in His word:«I have anointed him because there was no one else to anoint him, since for such a long time the thread of the anointed was broken. I have anointed and it was not those who say that they are those who anoint.» (Excerpt from the Word of God, from 21.11.1992. – O.S. / 04.12.1992. – N.S.). In addition, He reproaches the established churchmen for distorting the apostolic orders, illegally simplifying some services, giving up valid canons and changing traditional or canonical orders: «The Holy Trinity looks to the priests and scribes of this age and It looks to what they have done, for they have abolished the order of the Son of God, the one given onto the Church, onto the first Church after His incarnation. As the Church was gathering together and the word of God was in its midst, for I have given prophets and I said that the Church should be this way and not otherwise; this way, wholly and not having deficiencies in its body.» (Excerpt from the Word of God, from 09.07.1992 – O.S. / 22.07.1992. – N.S.).

From eternity to temporariness


Ultimately, the church has gradually been turning aside from Christ, abandoning the prophets and replacing the Christ centric guidance with an anthropocentric one and respectively, the eternity with temporariness. The man has replaced Christ and has called himself „vicar” or „deputy” or „antichrist” (at this time one has taken into consideration the Greek etymology for „antichrist” – in Christ’s place, and not the Latin one – against Christ); then he dressed within a bishop, sit on the seat from above and replaced the washing of the feet, what was done to the disciples together with the kissing, required of his disciples, of the right hand and of the Episcopal miter.

«And here is what the Church ended up to be, but who is to open its eyes to see that it is not like Me?»(Excerpt from the Word of God, from 09.07.1992 – O.S. / 22.07.1992. – N.S.). Vis-à- vis this sentence imputed so severely to the church, the modern theologians have an absolute guilt, who politicize (frequently using communist patterns that they have learned since childhood) the liturgical sacramental act, inventing theologumena, which harmonize with the time requests and with the whims of the more and more secularized world. However, God has still revealed this thing:«Woe to the people who say to themselves that they are with the law of the Church and who wrote books over books about My name and My laws, for those books are not and those are earth, and in the earth they return for the spirit of those books is not alive because of those without life they have made on them, and these works stand against them.» (Excerpt from the Word of God, from 21.11.1992. – O.S. / 04.12.1992. – N.S.). Therefore, the explanation appears as well: those who write books at the order of their hierarchs or of pure mercantile interest do not have any Christian personal life, but rather they are only some Pharisees. They teach others what they do not even believe in a dream. It is the most condemnable discrepancy between their word and deed, for the theology authors take care to cover themselves with high blessings and with pseudo-academic authorizations, deceiving with anticipation the vigilance of the customary populace.

One of the most severe evidence of imposture is, therefore, the affirmation, direct or implicit, formulated by the professional religious leaders, as though we „have Christ as our head,” and „our church is apostolic”, this being against the reality marked by the profound separation from the word of God.

It is absurd at least, when God speaks directly, fulfilling His promise, which says: „Behold, I am with you always“ (Matt. 28/20), and those are concerned are only then to wince and cry out: „It is not God that spoke, but rather someone else did it into His name!”, or „This is not God!“. The one who said, «The fool has said in his heart, „There is no God“» (Psalms 14/1), said it right, but that is exactly those, who speak out loud this thing, think that they are the wise people of the earth. And partly they are right, for they cannot be the wise people of the heaven, too.

The Christian man: child-son of God


Then, what describes the Christian man, a son of the true Church?

– he has got the humility of being led by God without being afraid that God would let him be drawn into an errancy, for he loves God as a child-son and this way he believes in Him, as a child who believes in his fleshly father;

– he has love for his brothers, as it has never been seen since the apostolic time, brothers sacrificing for others, for sacrifice is the proof of love;

– he has replaced the unprofitable mercifulness, preached obstinately within Christian scholasticism (and forgetting that it is not the bellyful who enters the kingdom of the heavens, but the soul of the righteous), with God’s mercy, Who still suffers today, now, and for all the wrongdoings of the humanity reached its climax;

– he truly believes in Jesus God and into His promises, connected to His second coming into the world as a King;

– he waits for Him and prepares his wedding garment for this meeting, for it will be a cosmic wedding between the Bridegroom, Christ, and His Church, the only one (not many!) synodal (not lead by occasional „heads”), and apostolic (not updated with cosmeticizing teachings);

– he has been praying incessantly for the whole human kind from Adam on, replacing the classical egoistic preoccupation for personal salvation with the loving work for the man’s restoration through the Church, whose foundation is the Savior’s sacrifice and whose walls are the prayers of the saints;

– he has seriously taken the exhortation, «Be holy as your Father is holy in heavens», (1 Peter 1/16), and the calling «Let us be attentive, the Holies [are given] to the saints!» (The holy Liturgy of the St. John Chrysostom), and is built itself as a living brick in the wall of the Holy Citadel of New Jerusalem: «And I saw the holy citadel, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready like a bride adorned for her husband». (Revelation 21/2)..

Priest Nicodim