… The Lord makes no distinction by the creatures, but by deeds. Discern the sin, as through sin God distinguished the sons of Noah when he cursed the one who laughed at his father’s nakedness. What God did, he did it, but you are not allowed to distinguish someone after his appearance, rather only by sin.
in the time of Noah, when I was calling out from heaven over the earth, and I was telling them that I came to lose those who were unfaithful, the people did not believe what I was telling them, for they indulged in their own pleasures and with them they were enticing the faithful sons and were spoiling the faith of those who were faithful. The sons of God in the time of Noah were attracted by the daughters of the people, and God’s daughters were attracted by the sons of the people, and the seed of those who were faithful was spoiled and this is what the flood brought about over the earth.
The water is the mystery of the new birth. When I made the heaven and the earth, I took them out of the waters and I placed them into their eternal laws. I divided the waters from waters and I put the heaven into their midst, the expanse of the sky. Then I said that the waters from under the sky be gathered together to one place and thus the seas were made, and the dry land appeared out of them, and then the earth put forth grass and fruit trees, after that the water from above came down as rain over the earth. Behold, the water is the mystery of birth. The first land appeared from water. The second earth also appeared from water, and then I came and made the waters holy, baptizing them for the birth of the man from water, Spirit and blood, for I came to work out the eternal birth of the man who comes to birth.
Behold the birth of the man on the earth starts with the death and with the sin, and the birth of the man in heaven starts with the water and with the repentance by baptism. The repentance is the birth of the man from heaven,