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The New Jerusalem
The litle white stone
The New Jerusalem Holy City
România – Pucioasa
The New Jerusalem Church
The Word of God
The Current Word
Short Introduction
Chapter 1: Genesis
In the beginning there was The Word and all was made through Him
Man’s creation. The garden of Eden
The fall of the man. The fall of the angels.
Noah. Earth reborn of waters.
The people of Israel from the time of our Lord Jesus Christ
Fulfillment of the law through Christ
Chapter 2: The two thousand years history after Christ
The birth of the church’s body.
The thousand years kingdom of the saints
The tearing apart of the church’s body (year 1054).
Apocalyptic trumpets.
The resettlement of the saint’s celebration days.
The unseen war of the antichrist.
The judgement of the false prophet
The offensive of the ecumenism
Chapter 3: The call of the nations and of the worlds church
The heavenly wisdom and the vanity of the man’s science.
The work of God’s commandment.
The man’s call for rebirth.
Urge and rebuke over the ministries of the Romanian church
Chapter 4: Romania – The promised land
The birth and baptism of Romania.
Romania – the shining country, New Jerusalem, New Canaan, New Eden.
The cradle of humankind: the making of man out of Romanian earth
Awakening over Romania and it’s leaders.
The Romanian’s king Mihai and Bishop Irineu.
Chapter 5: New Jerusalem’s Holy of Holies
The location of the citadel and of the word’s garden.
The announcement of the church’s construction.
The cornerstone’s setting.
The building of the church. The resistance of the church authorities.
The church’s consecration.
Church’s work: the glory of the New Jerusalem.
Chapter 6: The new chosen people (The New Israel)
The life of the new chosen people: holiness, the foundation of the Christian life.
It’s mission: fulfillment of prophecies for the end of the ages.
The hidden God’s kingdom with the chosen people; His teachings on the obedience spirit
Chapter 7: Rising of the dead. The second coming of The Lord
The true rising pf the dead and the exposing of the antichrist’s servants who will imitate the rising of the dead
The voice of those in the tombs
Second coming of God
Chapter 8: Kingdom of Heaven. New Heaven. New Earth
Romania – the Kingdom of Heaven as a model
The Holy Citadel New Jerusalem
The world’s rebirth
The rebirth of Israel from the Christ time
Christ reigning the Earth with God’s sons
The “theologists” position
The Christian man, son of the true Church, whose head is Jesus Christ: The New Jerusalem Church
The Holy Citadel New Jerusalem The radiography of a demiurgic option
The New Jerusalem Church – a church of the saints
Who was speaking through the Holy Virginia
Saint Virginia
The Will