Chapter 7: Rising of the dead. The second coming of The Lord

The true rising of the dead and the exposing of the antichrist’’s servants who will imitate the rising of the dead

… Here My children, the discovering of the dead! Behold, they rise two by two, or three and blessed are those who have risen from death to life! Here is how they get out of the death grave and sing the holy song. You know that all will rise from the dead, but not all at the same time. Here, do you know children that the dead too here these holy words? These words which you hear, the dead hear too and wonder how you have had spiritual gift so great, for if they were hearing these holy words, they would have ended repented.

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My child rise from the dead, as this word will sound when the dead arise. Oh, for how long I have sounded this word and you do not get out of your pit anymore!

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The false prophet is coming; the one with the last lying signs, and he will say that the dead comes to life, and he will raise him right in front of you, but that one is not the dead, and this lie is something else. He is coming to make you believe that he works into My name, but it is not true. I am the One, who will raise the dead; I and not the false prophet, who brings the body of his lie in front of you. Woe to the man who has not got the Holy Spirit in him to see the lie of the today’s liar! As the men have been getting up for seven thousand years to set up as God, to set up as wise men, to make a name for themselves; that people may deceive each other, as this is has been happening to the people who get out from under God’s tent. The man has courage in life and does a lot of things.

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And you, children of the end, you are My hand with whom I write the judgment of the man who did not let himself be born of the heaven. I created the man by the word when I made him of dust, but by what word do the man create man? Everything he does on earth he does it with sin, as the man who came out of the man is the sin of the man who has man as father and mother. I am the word from heaven by which I gave you birth, children from the end, to have someone with whom I may write the book of judgment of the man that came out of man. I turned the man down into the earth to put him to shame and to know that everything he does is not, and that it is I that I make him again, and to create him from dust, as My law is. But there are many, and again many are between earth and heaven who walked with Me and with My first law, and I made eternal life out of them, and they are alive between heaven and earth and they did not taste death, because they tasted sin neither by spirit, nor by nature, nor by flesh, nor by heart. They are those that I will establish as witnesses before the people, soon, soon, the same way as I established you, sons born of heaven at My word.

Get hold of not judgment day by day, sons. Gather an abundance of not judgment and earn freedom with God, as I, the Lord come soon, and those that are asleep who were with Me are coming with Me, and those who did not taste death and are eternal are also coming with Me, waiting My victory for them and for many who will taste the resurrection for the judgment of the sin. Amen, amen, amen.

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This is the mystery of My word and of My voice from these days, and those that hear it arise to incorruptibility and clothe in immortality for meeting with Me, for I come with the heavenly wedding on the earth, with the true mystery of the wedding, the mystery that the man has closed on the earth under the sin for so many thousand years calling it mystery and comparing it to the true mystery of the wedding. The wedding is the salvation which is paid with life and the wedding means nothing else.

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the dead will get up and confess their life on the earth and My work of today with which I, the Lord, fulfill the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead. But once with this fulfillment, the antichrist’s servants will appear and they will try to bring this mystery to nothing. He will send his false servants, who will say that they have lived on earth life after life until today. (They would say that they have been reincarnated several times, r.n.) Here is the lie that has been worked out for a long time, and its people make haste to fulfill a great errancy, which will be called „the resurrection of the dead”. The man of lawlessness will appear and will speak about his life lived on earth one hundred years ago, and many other hundreds of years ago, and the man on the earth will stay and listen, and he will not be afraid of such a leading astray. And those who were resurrected will also confess their life in the flesh and My coming within this word that I speak to the dead, the same way I worked two thousand years ago, when I rose from the dead in My body from the grave, and many rose with Me and appeared to the people, and behold, some will be the dead who were resurrected, and others will be the living ones, who will lie from place to place to frustrate, as they say, the mystery of the resurrection from the dead.

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In the beginning I made the heaven and the earth to put them all under the man’s service and this way the man may glorify his Creator and to have Him always before Him and to work with Him at the kingdom of the heavens on the earth. But the man has not stayed in fear of God on the earth, not even after his fall from Paradise, and in this way the human kind has been increasing on the earth, and I, the Lord, have been patient with him this way for seven thousand years. But now, I have come again as word above the earth; I have come for the resurrection of the dead; I have come to make the earth into heaven and a dead one into a living one, and I will require the fruit of those who set themselves as workers over the people into My name, and each one will reap what he has sown; he will gather what he has put in the ground; they will gather the living or the dead. Amen.

The day of My second coming is called by My saints the day of the dreadful judgment. It is in vain that the man has been trying to flee from it. It would be better for the man to come closer to it instead, for no one will get away from it; nor the dead or the living. Man, if you are afraid of it, then get up and get ready for it, so that you may not perish by it, but rather to be the son of resurrection then, the son of the age what is to be. Get up and shake off the dust and everything on it and then wash yourself, for behold, the water is flowing down as rain from heaven on earth to cleanse you from top to bottom for My coming, and then I clothe you and put your shoes on and then give you the crown of My coming and I put you at My wedding table and bring you to the celebration of My coming, to the feast of the kingdom of the heavens on earth, man.

I call out the trumpet for the resurrection of the dead. They have been waiting for seven thousand years for the trumpet of their resurrection, and I tell them: there is still a little bit of time and everything and all will receive the garment of incorruptibility, the same as I made them from their very creation. Amen. Little and little and everything will come back into the life without death, and the dead come to life and confess their God and His work of seven thousand years, the work for the redemption of the bodies. Amen.

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My coming carries the spirit and the power of My saints in it, for all live in Me, as it is written. The mystery of the resurrection of those that are asleep is an unfathomable mystery, for I am the resurrection and all live in Me, because I died and I was resurrected for every man, in such a way that the man may receive My death and My resurrection from Me and then to live like Me. However, the man does not want to know My death and My resurrection from Me. No one tells it to the man to know for there are not people on earth to know this mystery and to live it and to be able to tell it to others. Elijah, the prophet, knew it from Me and he had a great zeal for Me and for My truth on the earth, and My wound from the man hurt him deeply, and then he made fire from heaven come down over those who were not wise and unfaithful and he raised the people from the dead and he did not put his zeal for Me to sleep; and so, full of fire as he was, I took him into heaven and passed him into those that are not seen. His zeal for Me was all a burning fire within him, and his longing for Me consumed him. This was his power, Elijah’s spirit and power, as the prophecy about John writes in the Scriptures, and as the angel spoke to Zacharias that «John will be born to prepare the Lord’s coming, the Lord’s knowledge over the people, and that he will work within Elijah’s spirit and power».

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There is no man not to be afraid of the end of the world, of this word, which speaks about the end of the world in it. However, if the man wanted to read this news that I spoke about two thousand years ago, he would see that I said that I was about to come again to settle back to its place My kingdom that was corrupted by the man. Oh, how good it would be for the man to want to wait for the end of the world, for the resurrection of the dead, for My coming and for the life, which is to be! How good it would be, My people!

The love between the Bridegroom and the bride is a deep longing, and I do not know how to do to get every man used to this beauty in his face and heart. Oh, how shall I really do it? How shall I do, My people, to establish on the earth the love, which has been waiting for Me to come? How shall I really do this miracle, which will not be taken away from the man? Oh, how well it would be for the man to get lovesick and no longer get healed from it! I have wanted this for such a long time! My voice that was speaking with the man in heaven, and then on earth at the man’s beginning, is the voice that speaks with the man today, too. The new birth of the world has been waiting for the man’s longing and it has been waiting too much for the man.

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The Word was in the beginning and I was the Word in the beginning. Here I am as Word in the end, for I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and I put the man in the middle so that I may not lose him. I give you the resurrection of your spirits and bodies, only for you to receive. The day of the resurrection of the dead is coming, but I tell you that it has already come and that those from the graves hear this voice of Mine and soon, soon, they will come to life and I will call them out for this, as I said at My first coming that I would do and work out the resurrection of those from the graves and then the renewal of the creature and the great meeting of the heaven with the earth in a celebration of new and eternal age between earth and heaven, for the new heaven and the new earth will embrace each other then, for the celebration of eternity and everlasting love. Amen.

I am the river of life, and out of My mouth it will flow and water those that hear so that they may go on drinking. Oh, how shall I no longer call out the man when it is for this that I have come? Until the moment I declare the raising of those in the graves, until then I go on calling the man and then I will no longer call him.

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Let no one marvel at the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead, the Scripture spoken by Me. I took the man from dust and I brought him to life, in My image and after My likeness in the beginning and in the end, for on My resurrection from the dead, the saints came out of their graves and stood on their feet and appeared in Jerusalem. I made this miracle because I am the resurrection and the life, and the man needs to have them both from Me, because it was for this that I came as a Man from the Father among the people. Everything was made out of dust, even the man, after that everything was made at My word, those that have had spirit of life in them. I made the man out of dust and then, against My miracle, the man made his body into dust, for he was drawn to those things God made him out of. The man made his flesh and veins into dust, and I come on earth with the miracle of the man’s resurrection and with the miracle of My resurrection, in order for the man to understand that there is a resurrection of the dead and that it was not in vain that I declared the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead at My last trumpet.

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The greatest power of faith is that in the resurrection of the dead, and this will not be a miracle but rather it will be the fulfillment of this Scripture, and I speak among you the word of the resurrection of the creature, and those in the graves hear it from My mouth as they heard it two thousand years ago when I spoke the word of the resurrection of the dead to the multitudes. And now I speak again with My mouth and My voice is heard beyond the dwelling of the dead, and these get ready for the resurrection. And it will be as with My resurrection when My prudes came early in the morning and they saw the stone rolled away from the tomb, and they were saying among themselves, «Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?». And when they entered the tomb they saw the angel of My tomb on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and he said to them: «Don’t be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, Who has been crucified. He has risen. Behold the place where they laid him! But go; tell His disciples that He has risen!». I let the angel of My tomb to tell the women that I was raised and to tell them to go with the news of My resurrection to My disciples, but they did not believe when they told them. There was no way of rebuking them because of their unbelief and because of their heartlessness. And behold, I cannot also rebuke those that hear the voice of My word, which was declared to you by My own mouth, watchmen children at the door of My coming after the man to raise him from the death of his works without God. I cannot but destroy the unbelief and the heartlessness of those who do not want to believe in My coming as word on earth, the voice of the Son of God, which is heard by the dead from the tombs, as it was heard two thousand years ago over the dwelling of the dead. I am the One Who said: «The time is coming and it has already come, when those in the graves will hear My voice and they will come either to life or to eternal damnation». Amen.

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Behold the book of your life, man, who are called to life! Learn the book of the life, man, for I have come to give you teaching from the book, to teach you humility and then the book, to be taught and not to be empty on earth. The dead have came to life from the tombs and they stay in tens of thousands in groups-groups before this word, and you, man with a body on earth, do not see them. Oh, how are you supposed to see them if you did not learn the book from heaven, the wisdom of life without death, which sees in the man? Come, get up from your blood, and wash into the river of My word so that your eyes and your mind may be opened and to see My glory and to see My coming, for I am before you with the time of the fulfilling of the greatest Scripture, the Scripture of the coming of the Son of Man, with power and much glory, coming on the clouds, accompanied by saints and angels and speaking on earth the word of the resurrection from the dead. Amen.

I have facilitated the day of memorial of those who have been waiting for seven thousands years in the dust of the earth, and they stand in a row to drink of the word of the resurrection of the dead the river, which flows from God’s mouth, the Word, the miracle from the end of the time over the living and over the dead, over the dead and over the living, for the dead are those who hear My word, not the living ones. However, I have made My coming through those who are in their bodies, both for the living and for the dead in their bodies, and this is the judgment of those who do not believe in God’s works over the earth and over the man. This word is both the man’s judgment, and also his life, if he comes back from death to life in order that he may see afterwards. Amen.

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