Chapter 6: The new chosen people (The New Israel)

The life of the new chosen people: holiness, the foundation of the Christian life

… Oh, My children I wanted to renew the wedding in Cana of Galilee and to show you the mystery of the Christian wedding. The Christian wedding is a great mystery of My church. Therefore I say to you: if you are not clean and dressed with the garment of the bride, you will not be able to sit at My table on the day of My wedding, on the day of My coming. The wedding dress shows your clean life. You need to be righteous as lambs so that you may take part at the great wedding. Oh, sons, to not worry of what you are to put on the table for so many Christians. Have trust the same way My Mother had two thousand years ago when we were invited at My disciple wedding, for I multiplied the wine and I did not put their godfather to shame.

Here, My bride of today has not seen the man but only looked at his feet for he has not lifted his head from the ground. I have come to this wedding with five prophets and they will remain as a testimony, for it was not something like this and it will never be. I brought a little angel with a little hammer and he smashed all the light bulbs at the chandelier and put candles of clean wax. Be careful, My children, for you do not give to the bridegroom and bride, for it is the Lord’s Mother who collects all of your gifts. Keep your wedding clean so that may I take you at the table of My wedding.

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Get ready, be born again. Who is not born again will not come to Me.

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I tell you more: give up the desires of the body. Marriage is not forbidden but who has love and determination to get to the saints, they are to stop. Make up your mind with no doubt. We are not talking any more about the Advent, or Lent, or about the feast of the holy apostles and Virgin Mary. In a word, refrain yourselves.

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I need righteous young people, and you, men, leave your desires, for you cannot get above with all things of the world, fleshly and worldly. You preachers keep to the cleanness; if you can live in cleanness. Oh, soul, why have you got angry? I did not oblige you, but who can, he does well. Do not get upset. The man is free to do whatever he wants, but who wants to fulfill the cleanness, that one will see the place what he has been prepared. As for the grumblers, here is what I say: from Saturday evening until Monday morning do not touch sin. It is great sin to defile the day of joy and celebration. Buy yourselves a little coat. Oh, that you do not want to be holy!

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… The body cannot put on the little coat of soul and neither can the soul put on the little coat of the body. Which one of them is more expensive, the coat of the body or the coat of the soul? Who gave the coat of the body? It is given by the godfather. And who gave the coat of the soul? It is given by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the body cannot take on the coat of the soul and neither the soul can take on the coat of the body. Consecrate yourselves now when you are in your bodies for the Father needs you for heaven. If only you want and the heaven is yours.

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Sons, the time for the new covenant has come, for someone among the Christians say that God has come to get married. I have come with righteousness and I have not found a virgin boy or a virgin girl that do not want to get married bodily, but I have come out of the God’s law.

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I would like you to be clean, to be holy, to be an angel, so that in the last day to finish the age with you.

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… Be careful, this word is a beginning of judgment. Let the man love his wife, but with a spiritual love, and let the woman love her husband, but without defilement. Let the woman honor her husband, and let the husband honor his wife with a holy honor.

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I bless you with the spirit of the holiness and of the cleanness of the spirit, soul and body, and this should be your work, and those into your midst should be My guidance upon you, to work with Me upon you and to put you into this blessing. Amen. I am the Holy One and I give Myself to the saints in heaven and on earth and then I will come again as word upon you and I will speak to you about this mystery, the mystery of My saints. Amen.

The spirit of holiness and of the cleanness of the spirit, soul and body, will be to teach all those who will love the eternal life as the saints with whom I come down to you today in the glory of My word upon you, Jerusalem. You should always have this spirit fresh before Me, not before you and not before the man, for neither you nor the man, but only I will be to glorify you with My glory, so that I may rejoice over your life. Get used to know well to stand before Me with your spirit, so that I may put and not you, to put a spirit of life giving into your spirit through My school over you, in which I want you not to be asleep but rather loving and diligent within school, so that I may prepare you for everything I may have to work through you, My people, for I want to increase the number of those who will learn to work like Me, being sent into My name, for behold, I look upon the earth and many try to speak over others in the name of this work. Only I, the Lord, have My gates through which Israel gets out and comes in to Me, by which My messenger goes and comes, and by which the man hears from Me to come or not to come, as I want, as I see the man. Amen.

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I have taught you once to measure yourself with the saints, My people. And how comes that? In the time of Verginica, I was speaking and telling to those of that time who heard My voice: „Read the lives of the saints”. This is what I was telling them and I wanted them to be saints, but it is painful for Me and for the saints when the man reads and speaks about them without his measuring with them afterwards, without following their longing for God and for the work of the power of their faith.

I am with the saints at the table with you, Jerusalem, and I put those who teach you to teach you how to be always awake for the saints and for the angels between brother and brother, between you and Me, My people, for the saints wait from you food and heavenly table with you on earth. Take a look at the birds of the heaven as they come on earth after water and after seeds, for God made the heaven for the earth, and the earth for the heaven, but who still wants to know the mystery of the creation work?

I cross the sky with the saints and we are on the wings of ministering angels of My coming with the saints and I tell you to look at the birds of the sky how they lay down on earth for water and for seeds. This is how I come with the saints at your table after food and after water and after the word of new heaven and new earth, for I have included you into this mystery and I want to work from your midst the making of the holy man, who confesses Me before the people, according to My will, according to My teaching. And as for you, children of Jerusalem, you have to work in a heavenly manner over the earth and to follow one another in spirit, in word and in your work, for I want to put over the earth and over the man, by My Gospel with you, the faith of the baptism with the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and the repentance for the forgiveness of the sins and then the speaking about the new heaven and about the new earth for My confession and for My coming with the saints, for it is the time of the Scripture of the coming of the Son of Man and of His saints. Amen.

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And I teach you, Jerusalem, and this is the table of My saints, and I declare to you the mystery of the happiness of the saints, for there is no greater happiness than the holy man, who knows what the love and the longing for God is, for without My love in him and from him, the man is ugly before Me.

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