Oh, children of Jerusalem, oh, children of the city which is coming! It was told spiritually that the time will come when we are free again.
Come to your senses as this work is not seen well, but the time will come when it is seen greatly and well for this is the house of Zacchaeus, and know that some of you will enter and others will not enter, for the Lord prepared a place which will not be as those on earth, for the last time is coming. If you do not believe, know that you will not inherit this earth.
Verginica, this vessel which you see, has been since the beginning of the law until now. This vessel is put in front of the Christians, in front of the priests, but in a hidden way, and is being discovered only in parables. Blessed is he who has known the plan of God and who has used his skill, for who washed his life into this vessel, that one became worthy and entered the kingdom of God, and today it has been discovered to the children of Israel this holy vessel, and who is washing into this vessel, will become worthy to enter the tabernacle of God in the Church of the New Jerusalem. This is what the Holy Spirit is speaking, for this tabernacle is also called the church of the Christians, the church of the New Jerusalem, and this vessel is called the vessel of washing of the tabernacle, of the church of the Christians, so that anyone who wants to come to this vessel to worship by himself to God, he should wash first, as the Christian is not allowed to have friendship with unbelievers, for the Lord speaks, „I will not sit with unbelievers.”
… Tell, Verginica, to the Christians, that God says so: whoever wants to enter this tent, let him wash his sins first. Verginica, Verginica, as the non-baptized Christians could not enter into the heavenly kingdom long ago, today the man who is not penitent cannot enter this tent too, the tent which is the church of The New Jerusalem.
Peace to you, those that work together for the work of the Holy Trinity, which works to establish the New Jerusalem! And we will begin with this stone and from this stone.
Behold, on this rock we will build the church for the beginning of the resurrection of God’s creature. Believe in Jesus Christ! I am. Do not be afraid, and we will work at this ark. Seal this mystery until we take and open these seals, as the Lamb of God is worthy to take this book and open its seals within the cries of the multitudes which will come and drink of this stone, of this mountain of the blessings.
Strengthen your feet and gird up your loins and stand up, for the Father of the heavens will speak then from the top of this stone and the voice of the heavens will be heard speaking: this is the work that I have been well pleased with and I will go with it to all the margins. Amen.
The hour is coming for the Son of the man to be glorified and that is why the Lord started in this place the new beginning of the new work, which will give light from you from place to place and everywhere on the earth, so that the earth may be new, and that is why the Lord started into this place a resurrected life and a living and clean life; and that is why He started with you the work of a new land, which will be worked out through you from place to place and then all over, so that every soul may be a new heaven, and each heart that will be new among those that are made new, for the Lord brings the man to his life from Eden on that time, in the garden of Eden where the man was placed in the beginning. The new Jerusalem is worked out again, and the work of the New Jerusalem from heaven is being established, and it is being done quickly and wonderfully, and all the crea-ture will be silenced upon this wonderful view which will shine quickly upon this people, for Romania is the land that is prophesied about, in which the Lord, Jesus Christ will come down in a visible glory at this time. This is the time that the kingdom of Israel may be restored, for Israel means a faithful people, a chosen people, a loved people, and it means a people which is called and blessed. This is the time when God works out the new beginning secretly, which will be shown afterwards upon all the heights of the times up to this time, for behold, the Lord is announcing his kingdom. Amen.
This is the place of the testimony for the beginning of God’s kingdom, for the Lord is in this holy place and is speaking from here, and it is heard all over the earth, and the earth exults and renews itself from place to place at God’s voice. And multitudes of people will come and flow from all sides to see and know the Lord’s glory which will be shown upon this chosen Jerusalem, upon this heavenly Jerusalem, for the mystery, which is worked out by the word, is coming down from heaven into this dwelling.
There is still another step, and these boundaries will be sealed even better, for the Lord is the Master of the sky and of the earth, and the Lord works according to the plan made out from eternity, and no one can stand in the way of those that are set from the beginning, for everything that is contained within the limits of this boundaries, will be a sealed land and will give light and share resurrection around and over the nations that will hear of this heavenly glory, and that will come closer, and will not be able to climb over the wall, for no one that is filthy, unclean, or accustomed to defilement and fornication of any kind will be able to enter; and he will be called the rock of foundation of the church for God’s creature resurrection. Behold, in a few days we lay the witness rock of this beginning of the new church and it will be to raise an altar of witness, which will speak about those that have been worked secretly, according to the commandment coming down from the heaven.
Oh and there was no one found among the priests but only one who believed that I was the Son of God and that I was from heaven and I came to fulfill the Scriptures.
Behold, I am now too with Mine through the word, from beginning to the end of the ages; I am forever with Mine, for I am endlessly in they who are Mine, as I promised. I came down with the word in the midst of this people and I have the manger of My word here, where, look, we build a tower of witness, a strong tower, a rock of resurrection, for the testimony of the word that I worked with; it is the rock that now we build on the new beginning, for it is new, it is a new covenant; it is a beginning of righteousness, of cleanness, of holiness, as in heaven so upon this beginning. And we will establish a word of testimony to this foundation, and new days of feasting, and we will celebrate here the resurrection and the Holy Spirit, and we will celebrate the name of the trumpet that the Lord worked (Through which the Lord spoke, r.n.) at during this time for the unsealing of the seven thunders which spoke in the time of the apocalyptic vision, about which the apostle of love, John, the Evangelist, testified, for his spirit was also emptied into this vessel that God spoke through during this time, because the angel said then to John: «Take the book and eat it, for you will have to prophesy once more, in the last time».
I let it be written the name of My anointed, Michael, on this stone. I said that this land may be kept, this manger of the heavenly coming down, this church, and it will be called the church of the righteous and wakeful. I said that this shall be a holy place and a holy law, that it shall not be violated, and he, who wants to come into this holy place where My word speaks powerfully and it is fulfilled powerfully, let he, who wants to come in, to be established within the laws that are come down for this holy place. Those who stand at the mouth of this heavenly spring are bodily clean and are fed on clean food, as I gave the law to the first people that I put in the Garden of Eden to listen to My laws and live without death.