Behold, I revealed to the world the work of My word, which accompanied you from heaven, and then I set a new beginning, clean and holy, in the midst of the people and I set a heavenly living, and I will still establish all that is to be established, and then I will glorify Myself before the people on earth, and the creatures will understand the mystery of the New Jerusalem, which comes from heaven on earth, which comes down little by little and which is made out by the word of God.
My church is not a cold wall of stone, but rather it is a living and heavenly spirit. The church is not from the earth and it is from heaven instead. Only the church is heavenly on the earth; it is come down from heaven, as the sons of My church, the sons of the church of Jesus Christ, are born from heaven, from above, as I said to My scribe of that time; as I told him: «He, who is not born from above, from heaven, cannot be with Me; he cannot be the son of My kingdom», and behold, the sons of the church are no longer of this age, and they are of the holy heaven, and the holy heaven is the companion of its sons. This is how it is called that the church belongs to Jesus Christ and to the heaven. Otherwise the church is from the world; it is not from the heaven.
Loved people, be as strong as the heaven; clothe yourself with the heaven, My loved Israel, My new people, My little and tiny and most precious people. This is what I said: «When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?». Why did I say so then? Look, I was true in what I prophesied, I, who knew and saw until the end of the man’s age. But I have a little seed of faith, and I will seed with it and fulfill the Scriptures about the New Jerusalem by My power, which is coming down from heaven, as I said that the sons of the church are from heaven and not from earth.
May this day of glory be blessed, as the village of My word is today in a celebration of the heaven on your earth. There shall nowhere be more beautiful and more heavenly than it will be here, where I, the Lord, had worked by the word. Behold, I make them all new. I, the Lord, work again by the word, as in the beginning, and I make a new heaven and a new earth; a new man and a new and heavenly age. I will seed from a little and tiny seed a new heaven and a new earth, at My word.
In the beginning I was working, I was working those that were not seen, for there was no one to see when I was working. And after I made all things that are, I made then the man and I made him to believe, and he saw those that were not visible, and to which he gave a name. And behold an invisible mystery, as in the end I work those that are not visible, for there is no one to see when I work, and that is why I make the man to see those that are not visible. That is why I spoke to you Israel, in My book with you and said: «Do not get lost Israel, for it is coming something that you have not seen since you were born; the making of the earth and of the heaven and of the New Jerusalem, which are not on the earth yet, are coming». This is what I was speaking in the beginning of My work with you, Jerusalem of today, and I was speaking to you about the scribes and the Pharisees standing in the corner of the street to prevent you from coming to Me, and behold, I did not lie to you and I told you everything beforehand, and My word is truth.
The word from the end like in the beginning is the making of the earth, of the heaven and of the New Jerusalem that were in the beginning. Again, it is a making in the end: «a new heaven and a new earth in which peace and justice will reign», as the promises of the Scriptures write: «I will make new heavens and a new earth, and no one will remember those of the past, and the new heaven and the new earth will remain before Me, and your tribe and your name will endure forever». And if so it is written in the Scriptures, behold, the heaven and the earth pass away and My words have been fulfilled with the new heaven and the new earth and with My people that will endure forever, according to My promises, according to the Scriptures, Israel.
Sons anointed in the garden of My word strengthen My church with the Holy Spirit, the church of the New Jerusalem, My little flock, taken from among the people to escape it from the destruction and to have it for breeding, for the man does not look for his salvation, but rather he prepares his perdition and torment for his sins. But you work the Holy Spirit upon My church, whose beginning I am and you all are who will be bred to My church, for the church means the New Jerusalem, and this is the name of My church, the name of the citadel of God, sons born of heaven, and that it is written: «I saw the citadel of God coming down out from heaven, New Jerusalem, made ready like a bride adorned for her Bridegroom», sons born from above, holy sons on the earth, the bride of the bridegroom, by whom I will breed the holy and new church, for this is what I spoke: «I make them all new». Amen. I give birth to the world again, and I start with you and then I give birth out of Me and out of you, and I start with you a new beginning, a new church, and the name of the church is the New Jerusalem, the citadel of God, the Word. The prayers of the church are like the burnt offering before Me, so that the kingdom of God may be established on earth, the New Jerusalem, the citadel of God. Amen, amen, amen.
When it was only I with the Father before all ages, I was speaking with Him, and He with Me, and I was speaking the word, and We made the visible creation in the midst of the invisible one of eternity, and We have the New Jerusalem as a dear little seed in eternity, and We prepared it and kept it with a great secret until the great fullness of the mysteries of eternity. My people, you should be sufficiently great for the mysteries in eternity, for the mystery of the New Jerusalem carries within it the new heaven and the new earth, the same as the first creation carried the first heaven and the first earth in its womb. The mystery of the New Jerusalem, kept forever, carries the Lord’s tabernacle within it, the Lord’s throne, the Lord’s voice and the Lord’s people. Amen, amen, amen. And I sit on the throne of glory as in eternity and speak the word and I make everything new by it, for My word is faithful, Jerusalem, My mystery from everlasting to everlasting.
I knock and it is opened for Me and I come in. Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I come in as word into My book of today and I become a feast over My people that listens to My word and fulfills it. I found My watchmen waiting, for it is the feast of all the saints in heaven, as they were established in a churchly manner to rejoice together in their day of celebration. Amen.
— First we speak with you, the Lord’s trumpet. You opened the way of the heavenly Jerusalem to come down on earth, for you were the iconostasis through which the Lord has entered and become word now, at the end of the time. The queen Mother, the Virgin, who brought the Lord on earth two thousand years ago, has you as the joy of her Son, and the one who gave birth to the people of the end in immeasurable pains, out of which He has found branches to give forth leaves and feed the nations of the earth with them. You are in them, as the root draws the sap and gives it to the branches so that they may have life. You have remained in them, for they have remained in you for our Lord and theirs. Amen.
And to them we say this: we will be upon you as the holy citadel, the New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven with the Lord and from the Lord, the One Who sits on His throne here, into the midst of your word, speaking the renewal upon all things. And we will be with you, the new heaven and the new earth, and the sea will no longer be, for you are the Lord’s people, the Lord’s tabernacle among the people, and he dwells with you, and you are His people, for He Himself is with you. And these words are faithful and the come true, for their Creator is called the Alpha and the Omega, and He says, and does everything, and He gives as a gift of the spring of the water of life to all who are thirsty and will be thirsty after Him. And the victors will inherit these, and He will be their God and they will be His sons. Amen.
Work with love and longing of which it has never been heard on earth and in heaven, for you are those from the last and the key is with you and you are the key, for the Lord spoke this.
Oh, we have always cried and asked Him: «Lord, until when?». And now He tells us:
— Oh, until now, for I am coming now and you are in My coming, as it is written, for the heaven has opened and My longing caught fire for the little ones, who receive My coming with you, Jerusalem from heaven and from earth for the new age, which is to come. Amen.
Oh, Verginica, the saints do no longer ask Me «Until when Lord?» because I have them in My coming on earth, and now they perfectly understand My mystery, which My saints have been waiting for seven thousand years, Verginica.
I give to you, My children, a great work to do. I lift up with you above the ground My places with you. We put a new mark on the citadel with strong gates and its name will be as in the Scriptures of the age, which is to come: The Holy Citadel New Jerusalem, and its foundation will be the Holy Virginia, as she has been since the year in which we founded Jerusalem again, the year of 1955, and then again, the year of 1995, when I wrote it again, rebuilt anew on the same rock.
Go with the blessing of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and fulfill now the holy name of the citadel, and then be worthy of its name, and may its name be worthy of you, of you and of all the sanctified people, for I want to have a holy people as its name is declared in heaven by the saints and angels. Amen. Give yourselves to the Lord and stay this way. Be My right hand on the earth, as your anointing is, sons, and strengthen Me upon you, in such a way that I may protect you with much power, you and the ground under you. And I will give you new advice, whose fulfillments, I, the Lord, wait then from you forever, sons. Amen, amen, amen.
I write upon you your whole name, My people, for you are My citadel, My New Jerusalem of today. I grow you up and I water you from heaven not from earth. I give you birth from heaven and I give you from heaven to eat much word and I call you people from heaven, and not a people from the earth, and let your humility shine greatly day and night before Me, for I have given you a new name, loved citadel, for this is what the Scriptures says: «I saw the Holy Citadel, the New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, from God, that is made ready like a bride, adorned for her Bridegroom». Amen, amen, amen.
Today is the feast of the palms, the Palm Sunday, and I want to make you sweet smelling vessels of Holy Spirit, children of New Jerusalem. I have given you a name as in heaven, not as on earth, and I have called you the Holy Citadel New Jerusalem, for the angels and the saints enjoy with you in heavenly descent glorifying the Lord, Who is coming with His saints. I said by My word of your days that I would plant thousands and millions of lilies on the Romanian land, the country of My coming, My New Jerusalem, and you have to graft the people’s lives, children of My coming, of My building of the heavenly age on earth and upon man, and you should not live temporarily, but rather you should live My eternal life in you, the Lord’s life on His coming to you. Amen.