Chapter 5: New Jerusalem’’s Holy of Holies

The location of the citadel and of the word’’s garden

And if I was born as the Son of man two thousand years ago, and if My Father gave birth to Romania once with Me, and if I was to have a people in the end to come to it as the word, behold, I spread My manger into Romania and I become the word of new making in it, as the making from the beginning. In the beginning everything started at My word and it was not possible to be worked out otherwise in the end; it was not possible not to be worked out in the end for I said: «I am the Alpha and the Omega». I am the Word of God in the beginning and in the end, for all are made by the word and nothing is made without the word.

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I have been protecting again and again this little village, in which I have been coming down to turn Romania into a country of My wedding, and to make it into a mountain of My blessings, in order to work out My salvation with it over the nations of the earth. I have been working again and again to protect the cities around this little village, the little village of My word.

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I made a dwelling for you and for Me. I made a little garden with anointed sons in it. I made a manger for the birth of My word over those who are faithful on the earth, and the place of the glory of My word is called the Holy of Holies on the earth, for the sons of My church, for those that are faithful of the Romanian people, for it is My new people, newly chosen in the end, as I chose Israel according to the flesh from the beginning. I promised Abraham that I will multiply him like the stars of the sky by the seed of My promises, and I will multiply him like the stars of the sky by those born of the heaven. As the stars of the sky cover everywhere from above the earth that is under them, the same I will multiply the nation promised to Abraham; I promised that I will multiply him all over the earth. Amen.

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Amen, amen, I declare from heaven over the garden of My word that I made from the very beginning of the heaven and the earth, to be there and now, and to mean the Alpha and the Omega, God in the beginning and in the end, for as I started the earth in the beginning, the same is in the end; I start from here with the new earth, which is coming out of the sea and standing new before Me. Little by little and with the new earth which comes out of the sea of the world, as the sea is the world which took possession of the earth, as the darkness was all over the surface of the deep, for it is written into the Scriptures: «The earth was formless and empty and darkness was on the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters».

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It is great this little patch of land that you worked and work over with the heaven in the beginning and in the end, the place where the heaven and the earth open up, a mystery of new heaven and new earth, the core of the fulfillments of Your prophecies made out seven thousand years to come true now, and which You have been proclaiming through all of Your prophets,

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The Son of man, this is what I wanted to be after five thousand years since the creation of the man, and this is what I fulfilled. And after I became the Son of man, born from the Father through the Virgin, I wanted to die for each man, and this is what I fulfilled. And now, after two thousand years, I am being born in the manger, which I have prepared into this little village, dear to Me, as from here I took clay into My hand and I made the man, built by My hand, and for Me this little village is dear. Never mind if I was beaten and cast out at the beginning when I was speaking the word from the manger here over the earth. Never mind if not even now am I not known by this word. It is fine. However, I love this little village very much, for it is the place from where I built the man. And if I love him so much, I embrace him and urge him to My love for him, and I want to make him perfectly beautiful for My coming with the saints on the earth, and for him to receive Me, and that is why I let him know ahead of time and make him glad with heavenly news and with joys as there have been nowhere on earth.

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Oh, how much joy seizes Me when I see that you do the work of My coming more that your work! When the love for Me reigns in man, it is nothing impossible for the man. But you have to be able to work for the glory of My coming, which I have been waiting for with so much longing, sons! When you can do this, the man on earth can do it too, and he can do it for Me, so that I may fulfill the heavenly glory of the mound which starts with the place of the Holy of My Holies from this time of My coming, when I set My throne of the judgment of the creature here with you in the midst of this little village, which I want to be the adornment of the Lord on earth, as it is written in the Scriptures about the mountain to which all the nations will flow to receive light and to come to life, sons.

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Oh, sons of the people, I have the manger of My word on this little patch of land. This little village is My Bethlehem of today, for I made My manger in it and I am being born as word in this manger and I become food for all those who try to come to the beginning, to My mystery from Paradise, when I was speaking with the man and the man with Me.

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I set to My work the sons from the manger of the word and I told them to prepare My miracle, a sweet evening, a heavenly evening on the earth in the middle of My little village of today, the Bethlehem of My word, which is being born and is being born now for every man, who is coming to receive Me, then to work Me and then to keep Me in him as God and Man.

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Such as the lightning comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, thus is My advent to you today, My word which has flown from My mouth for almost fifty years, and with which I have prepared Myself a nation, and My advent to them, and the place of My advent and his glory, because the place of My word’s manger and all his surroundings which are and which will be and which crown the manger of My word all around, this place is the mysterious mountain of God, towards many, many hearts will turn from now on, and many, many looks and many, many people will look and take the laws of holiness, because it is written in the prophets for this time: «And in the last days the mountain of the temple of God will be risen above the mountains’ peaks and above the hills and the nations will head to it and they will say: ”Come to climb the mountain of God and God will teach us His ways and He will let us walk on His paths, for it is from Sion where the law will come, and The word of God from Jerusalem”». Amen.

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I give you threefold the grace for the laying down on the hearth of the little village of My word of the Saint Nicholas’ well, the protector of the poor and of the wretched ones. I had mercy on those without water and I saw their body under a burden bringing water from the valley on to the hill with the little wooden pail. I put the mercy in you and I told you to put a well on this way, sons, and a cross of rest for the souls and for the bodies who are tired of travelling, and a little bench to sit on it, all beautifully set, as in an enclosed sheep fold and beautiful to look at. And I will help you for your weariness to be able to work thousandfold and to be merciful on the man aggrieved by his burdens, sons, to make him obliged with his love of God, with the longing and with the gift of the holy faith, which makes the man holy in his spirit, soul and body.

The well of the Saint Nicholas, a bishop, according to his rank, and a powerful mercy giver of those who are poor, who love Me knowing Me through preaching, this gift is what I bless through you, those who are My anointed during this time, and we give it to the villagers, sons.

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