«Israel, My people, do not change your faith! A clean and spotless faith is the Orthodox faith and the Orthodox religion. Amen.»
(Excerpt from the Word of God, from 21.05.1974. – O.S. / 03.06.1974. – N.S.)
An objection, carefully argued against the authenticity of the spirit of prophecy, found with holy Virginia, speculates just the unusual manner of communication, which God used to speak through His chosen „vessel,” the holy prophet Virginia: she always was prophesying in a deep sleep. Let us first reproduce, the detailed arguments, brought by a professor from the Faculty of Theology, objector of holy Virginia:
«In Orthodoxy nothing closes the man’s freedom. The sleep in which Virginia was falling infringes the free will of the man. The work of salvation assumes the synergy of God’s will and man’s. The Virgin Mary, when received the Savior in her, was perfectly aware and she freely expressed her consent by the words: „Behold, the handmaid of the Lord”. Virginia seems to be possessed by a spirit, which violates her free will and thought as it happens with the demon- possessed. They do not know what they do and what they say either, and when the devil makes them loose, they do not remember what happened with them. Only this sign, and it would be sufficient not to give credit to the words of this woman, no matter what they may be. This is what is said in Patericon about a monk, whom the devil was waking up at night for prayer to the point of making him exhausted. Only then did he tell the confessor that an „angel” did not let him sleep sufficiently. In conclusion, if this work had been from God, Virginia’s free will and conscience would not have been altered».
The Holy Scripture offers various examples out of which it results that the manner of communication between God and man has never been stereotyped and conventional, and the free will of man has never been violated. The paternal warmth itself, which the heavenly Father speaks with, eliminates any suspicion of this kind: «Moses was faithful in the house of My Father, in the work of My Father, but he was not official. I, again, was the same in the house of My Father, which is not on earth. My apostles were sought by all from that time to be destroyed because they were not written among those with rights according to the law. And behold, these little ones of them, who are written into the book that they will be in this time, because this work is written into the prophets, and those from heaven cannot be understood by the officials of the times, the heavenly ones are not promoted by those from earth, for the Holy Spirit blows where It wants to and the Lord cannot be limited by those from the earth» (Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03.07.1992. – O.S. / 16.07.1992. – N.S.).
In the course of the revelations that he was receiving from God in the isle of Patmos, Saint John, the Evangelist, said about himself that:
7.He spoke with the angels (see Revelation 10/9).
After all these, a radical change appears temporarily, the spirit of John being taken into a future, precisely chosen by the angel.
Therefore, it was no indication of the so-called „aware consciousness” of the prophet, who becomes a vessel of the prophecy. Instead, everything happened in ecstasy, in trance, in a temporary dissociation, however profound, between body and spirit. Did John feel with his body something of the material world during the revelation? Of course not. We have seen that his transfigured senses were operating in a transcendental world, the invisible one, some plans being temporary placed into more than two thousand years in the distance.
Alteration, even being in part, of the sensory faculties in the presence of the divine Being, is met with some other occasions.
Saul, on his way to Damascus, heard a voice coming from heaven, but he did not see anyone(See Acts 9/8); the same happened with the other people who were going with him. This state of temporary blindness was further present with Saul, but not with the others.
Peter, praying in the city of Joppa, had the vision «in ecstasy» (these words show a special state, different from the common and daily lucidity) (see Acts 11/5), receiving exhortations, which, at first sight, aroused opposition.
Paul receives a vision in a dream: a man of Macedonia begging him to pass into Macedonia to help them, (see Acts 16/9), and he understands with his heart that the Lords is speaking with him (although he has no other rational criterion of discernment to be sure that the message is coming from God and not from the devil).
Peter is taken out of the prison by an angel, in a state, which could be called „hypnotic” – «He did not know that what it was done to him through the angel was really true, or it seemed to him that he saw o vision» (Acts 12/9). Only after his release, Peter, «coming to his senses» (Acts 12/11),truly understands that the Lord had sent His angel to take him out of Herod’s hand. The situation was so incredible that it was also extended on his meeting with the disciples, who rather thought that it was «his angel» (See Acts 12/15).
There is a typical case in which the self-consciousness of God’s chosen passes into the background. He automatically executes all the angel’s orders without questioning a possible „deception“ posibile din partea duhurilor vrăjmaşe. Ce s-ar fi întâmplat dacă se îndoia sau dacă from the hostile spirits. What would have happened to him if he had doubted or if he had opposed?
Speaking with humility about himself, without revealing his identity, the Saint Apostle Paul affirms in his second epistle to the Corinthians that he was taken up into the third heaven fourteen years ago, but he did not know if he was taken up in body or without a body (See 2 Cor. 12/2-4). Such a flagrant inconsistency between the importance of revelations (Of which is said that «the man is not allowed to speak of») and the state of uncertainty of the proper spiritual faculties is not justified but in one single way: God has radically modified Paul’s awareness in such a way that his extrasensory perceptions might be assimilated without any shocks, without violating the gates of senses, which have been used to work within normal biological parameters, within formal limitations. That is why he affirms that he «heard» words, which cannot be uttered! Even the intensity of the auditive or visual messages had to be modeled so that it might not physically destroy the biological receptors. When one did not proceed this way, out of special grounds, the effects were spectacular: Saul of Tarsus went blind (temporarily) when God intentionally wanted to do it in order to shake him out of his spiritual state of blindness (see Acts 9/8); the watchmen of Jesus’ grave, seeing the angel, were thrilled with fear and fell down like dead men (see Matt. 28/4); on the Transfiguration, the disciples, hearing a voice coming down from heaven, «fell on their faces and were very afraid» (Matt. 17/6).
Ezekiel is taken in his spirit into the middle of a field full of human bones and is carried around them. They were «very many on the face of the earth» (See Ezekiel 37/2). He prophesies, at the Lord’s urging, and the bones come and bind together becoming bodies (see Ezekiel 37/8). Then he prophesies and calls the Spirit from the four winds and the bodies come to life (see Ezekiel 37/10).. Is this scenario imaginary or Ezekiel lives (in the spirit) a living reality? Is this a general repetition or, somehow, a step in time? What can be said with certainty is that „the coming out of the body” shows that the Ezekiel’s senses were dormant or temporarily suspended. Otherwise, Ezekiel would have not been able to perceive in full force of his spirit the living reality of the vision and its message.
A usual modality by which God communicates His will to the man and which we see recorded both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament is the dream. Abraham receives the word of God in a dream: «…the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, at night, saying: „Don’t be afraid, Abram, for I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward”» (Genesis 15/1). «And Abram believed in the Lord; and he reckoned it to him for righteousness» (Genesis 15/6).. And this also happens in a vision, in a deep sleep, with terror and great darkness (Genesis 15/12), that Abram receives from God a prophecy about his descendants.
Jacob dreams of a stairway set up on the earth with its top reaching the heaven. The Lord Himself, standing above it, blesses him and his descendants and through these all the nations of the earth (see Genesis 28/12-15). Jacob believes it. He does not question to legitimize the One Who is blessing him and thus avoiding a possible deception. Further, Jacob also dreams of an angel who urges him to get up and leave the land in which he is living and to go on to his native land (see Genesis 31/11-13). Jacob believes again. He unconditionally obeys the angel.
Samuel is called on his name in a night vision by the Lord’s voice (see 1 Kings 3/4), but Samuel «did not know then the Lord’s voice and the Lord’s word had not been revealed to him yet» (1 Kings 3/7). CWith all these, for Samuel this „lack of knowledge” did not represent an impediment. He believed that God spoke to him and told the vision in detail to the prophet Eli (See 1 Kings 3/18).
Saul, tenaciously opposing to God, got into great trouble, greatly fearing and terrifying in his heart (see 1 Samuel 28/5). Only then did he decide to ask of the Lord, «but the Lord did not answer him, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets» (1 Samuel 28/6).
The old Joseph receives the angel of the Lord in a vision, who appears to him and asks him to flee into Egypt with Mary and his Son (see Matt. 1/20–25). And again the angel appeared to him in a vision urging him to come back to the land of Israel (See Matt. 2/19-21). It is easy to assume what would have happened if Joseph doubted that the angels spoke to him in a vision in God’s name. Joseph’s faith was above any doubt that it could be a deception from the devil.
We see a particular situation, when the visions, which come from God, have persons as a particular destination, which are not prophets and do not even have any contact with holiness. Are these visions less credible?
Joseph interprets two dreams received concomitantly from the chief baker and the chief cupbearer, chief officers of the Pharaoh of Egypt, showing them indirectly, by their interpretation, that they represent messages from God: «Don’t interpretations belong to God? Please then, tell me your visions!» (Genesis 40/8).
Pharaoh has a vision that Joseph interprets for him, showing that it is from God: «It isn’t in me, but God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace» (Genesis 41/16).
The prophet Daniel, with the exception of his own dreams (see Daniel chapter 7), also interprets two dreams of Nebuchadnezzar (see Daniel chapter 2 and 4), as some genuine prophecies coming from God.
Gideon is urged by the Lord to listen to the dialogue between two soldiers on watch in the camp, by which one tells his vision and the other interprets it for him: «Hearing the telling of the dream, and the interpretation of it, Gideon worshipped the Lord» (Judges 7/15).
Solomon receives God in his dream, from Whom he asks as a gift «an understanding heart to obey and judge the people and to discern between good and evil» (3 Kings 3/9), and God gives him as reward not only heavenly wisdom, but also wealth, glory and long life, as a reward for his humility (3 Kings 3/12-14)..
Dreams, therefore, are a current modality of communication between God and man. Naturally, one might ask two questions:
At the first question it has already been answered partially, when it was shown how Abram, Jacob, Samuel and Joseph’s faith was far above their doubt, regarding the potential deception from the devil. It might also be added that, speaking about a divine work, God definitely adds the gift of faith to the natural faith of the man and the power not to doubt. Otherwise, the man would never be able to relate correctly to the Truth by his own powers and natural faith. On the contrary, God opens the mind of those who receive the prophecies and increase their gift of faith. Thus, of the prophet Daniel it has been told that, as a result of his earnest prayers, he is welcomed by the angel Gabriel, who spoke to him saying: «I am now coming forth to give you wisdom and understanding» (Daniel 9/22).
The second question is concerned about the formulated arguments by unbelievers for the strengthening of the objections regarding „„the violating of the free will of the holy Virginia,” „the synergy of God’s will and the man’s”“ and the assumed „„good advice that the devil would give.”“. If we would accept these hypotheses, we will have to accept that all our dreams presented above are selected from the Holy Scripture, are patterns of flagrant violation of the man’s free will by God, and, eventually, of demonic deception. Appealing to the man’s oneiric state and using it, God lets Himself be accused, consciously, of a dictatorial attitude and of perjury. Within these circumstances, the man seems to be maneuvered like a marionette, which follows to blindly execute some exhortation received in a hypnotic state and which cannot be opposed. At the same time, it would appear that God deliberately chooses this way, when the man is fallen asleep in order to impose His will without reply. Those who take freedom for libertinism, would rhetorically ask themselves: „Where is God’s will and man’s anymore?“ without first asking themselves whether they received their dignity to directly cooperate with God, for «God, resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble». (1 Peter 5/5).
If they are afraid, they can be reassured.
First, God has also got other methods of communication in which the man’s free will cannot be doubted. On the contrary, God is inexpressibly cooperative and concessive with the righteous. Abraham, as an example, manages to get from God, by dialogue, a tenacious and consistent decrease in number of the righteous men through which the city of Sodom could have been saved conditionally: from 50 to 45, then to 40, then to 30, then to 20 and finally to 10. However, unfortunately, there could not be found ten righteous man at least, through which the city of Sodom could be saved. (See Genesis 18/23-33).
Then, God proposes not imposes. Those who received the dreams could very well believe in them or not. The same it is as far as it concerns the communications received by the people through the holy Virginia: no one imposes by force that they might be believed. However, if we still pretend that the holy Scripture is from God and if, reading it we find that God communicates to man through his state of sleep as well, not only through his watchful state, we will have to admit that the arguments of the kind: „„The sleep in which Virginia used to fall infringes the man’s free will”“, are infantile, tendentious and in the end, false.
The denigrators of the holy Virginia have especially attacked her state of active lack of participation to the Lord’s communication, calling it „possession“ and affirming that it is unnatural for God to put to sleep the prophet’s conscience – being it even temporarily. The demon of doubt does not hesitate to accuse the holy Virginia that she promotes, even indirectly, „the devilish deception.“.
However, the Holy Scripture records completely similar examples. The holy prophet Ezekiel affirms about himself, that being fallen face down and hearing a voice (from someone unknown!), a spirit entered him (See Ezekiel 2/2; 3/24) which made him stand up and warned him to listen and not to be willful. Then, the spirit obliged him to eat a sheet of paper (see Ezekiel 3/3), lifted him up (see Ezekiel 3/12), took him and brought him to Tel-Aviv (see Ezekiel 3/14), where he remained seven days in ecstasy. And was this a „possessing” from that spirit?
Philip is carried in his body by the Spirit of the Lord and moved from the face of the Ethiopian eunuch to Azotus (see Acts 8/39-40). Is there any other „possessing?” Was Philip asked to give his consent for this „move?”
Also the Holy Scripture shows us that various alterations of the senses and, especially, the lost of self-consciousness are natural physiological states, which appear and accompany surreal external events, such as the physical approach to God, the sight of His brightness or the mere hearing of His voice.
The prophet Daniel testifies (see Daniel 10/8) how a divine vision makes him lose power. Also, Daniel, recounting a vision with an angel, describes his powerful emotion, which accompanies his own feelings this way:
«And now as he was speaking with me, I fell into a deep sleep, with my face toward the ground» (Daniel 8/18, Bible, 1998 Edition);
«And as he was speaking with me, I was lying appalled, with my face toward the ground» (Daniel 8/18, Bible, 1944 Edition);
«And as he was speaking with me, I fell in lethargy, with my face toward the ground» (Daniel, 8/18, T.O.B. Bible, LE CERF Edition, 1992);
«And as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep, on my face toward the ground» (Daniel, 8/18, Holy Bible, 1901 Edition);
«And as he was speaking with me, I was lying amazed, on my face toward the ground» (Daniel 8/18, Biblia, IL CERCHIO, Edition, 1990).
All the versions above, although present substantial differences of nuances, suggest that the prophet was entering an unusual detachment, which passes, in translator’s interpretation, from the minor register (amazement) to the total availability (deep sleep, lethargy). The prophet straightly becomes a simple „vessel“ cwhich offers to be filled with spiritual food, which will be given to the people afterwards. Then can his state of passive participation be imputed, with tendentious terms, as „„the free will violation”“ or, simply as „„possessing“? Eventually, the real prophets were expressing their free will through a total anticipated availability, the expression of their dedication and love for God. This unique gesture became the expression of the perennial acceptation, even definitive, to be obedient servants to God completely. To ask them more means to boldly propose their interference with the word of God and, as a consequence, its alteration. This alternative is, however, totally unacceptable, for the prophet, which could afford something like this, would automatically be fallen from rights in the category of the false prophets. Then what kind of „free will“ can we speak about when it comes to announce a prophecy to the people? Both it and the above mentioned „synergy of the will“ remains simple juxtapositions of words, which express cheap rhetoric, speculative and high-sounding, of those who have the courage to wage war with God Himself.
The responsibility of message receiving by the prophets is so great that sometimes it leaves deep traces in the nature state of the receiver’s equilibrium: «And I, Daniel, fainted and was sick certain days» (Daniel 8/27). These weaknesses are, therefore, inner, intrinsic to the human nature. They do not come from outside but are made up like a reflexive form of defense against the deep impression, produced by the greatness of the divine Person Who brings the message. On the contrary, just this person is the One Who strengthens and rehabilitates psychically and physically the affected one. God works upon His prophets wiping out their weaknesses and meeting powerfully their bodily failures.
As an example, a typical case of aphasia met with Daniel («And while he was speaking with me according to these words, I set my face toward the ground, and was mute»),is healed immediately by the angel: «Behold, one in the likeness of the Sons of Men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spoke and said to Him […] Then there He touched me again […] and He strengthened me» (Daniel 10/15-19).
The prophet Isaiah thinks that he is lost because he saw with his own eyes the Lord Sabaoth, but he receives the cleansing of his sins in the temple and is strengthened by one of the seraphim, which touched his lips with a live coal taken with the tongs from off the altar (See Isaiah 6/7).
The priest Zachariah remains mute as a direct consequence of his own weaknesses: fear (See Luke 1/12) and his lack of faith (See Luke 1/18). However, he continues to prophesy by making signs (See Luke 1/22), and only after he writes the name of his son, John, on the tablet, «his mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue freed, and he spoke blessing God». God». (Luke 1/63).. The Holy Scripture shows through the words: «They all marveled» (Luke 1/63) and «fear came on all who lived around them» (Luke 1/65) because the particular state of losing Zachariah’s psychic integrity (aphasia, healed afterwards from outside by the Lord’s will) was constituted itself in a heavenly message of warning, which illustrates not only God’s power and the punishment that He allows in case of unbelief, but especially the fragility of the „vessel“ chosen by God, that is of the prophecies through which God communicates His will. It is not through priestly dignity of the recipient that the messages sent are legitimized by God and nor through the prophet’s eloquence of speech, who announces God’s word to the people, but by God’s power itself, which is made obvious over against His prophet vessel’s weaknesses and awkwardness. In this case, the dumbing and the prolonged silence inflicted on the priest Zachariah, as a natural consequence of his own doubts, is more convincing than any other shouting for joy or amazement.
Moses, who was slow of speech, was speaking to the people through the mouth of his brother, Aaron, as the Lord decided: «He will be your spokesman to the people; and it will happen, that he will be to you a mouth, and you will be to him as God» (Exodus 4/16).
The prophet Jeremiah, still a young man, was trying to flee from the prophecy calling: «Oh, Lord, God, I do not know to speak; for I am a child» (Jeremiah 1/6). However, the Lord strengthens him giving him the gift of prophecy: «I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord. […] And the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth and He said to me: „Behold, I have put My words in your mouth“» (Jeremiah 1/8-9).
About what kind of „conscious participation“ can one speak any longer, even being awake, when the prophet is given his food from heaven into his mouth, the word of the Lord? He only needs to receive it and to share it, fresh and hot, to the people. As in the dream state, the personal contribution of the prophet found awake (leaving aside his anticipated dedication, total and without reserve of soul doubt) is irrelevant.
There was brought here as an argument, in the event of admission (as a possible hypothesis) of possessing by the devil of those who are not awake, that the devil could „give good advice, apparently, until he has made the man to trust him.“. Then, to illustrate the deceiving character of this circumstance behavior, one has spoken of a story from Patericon, which sustains this thesis.
Let us notice, therefore, that if we accept this paradigm, then the dissimulation from the devil’s behavior will obligatorily be a temporary maneuver. Eventually, to reap the fruit of his labor, the devil „will show his true colors.” Sooner or later, he will exploit visibly and ruthlessly the fruit of his deception. For example, the devil of the pride breaks out heinously against those seven sons of the chief priest Sceva, who were wandering about the world and who were trying without being sent to take out demons in the name of the Lord: «And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded» (Acts 19/13-16).
If it was otherwise, that is, if the devil confined himself to giving good advice continually, then he would be turned unwillingly into the most long-lasting and relentless apostle of Christ. However, this thing is inacceptable: «If satan casts out satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?» (Matt. 12/26). However, in case of the prophecy from Pucioasa, (in those fifty years of incessant preaching of God’s word – 1955-2005 – through which there had been promoted the fruit of repentance and humility, self-denial, the holy Mysteries, the spirit of church, the honoring of the Lord’s Mother, the honoring of the saints, of the holy cross and of the holy icons, the respect of priesthood, the love of God and of one’s neighbor, the kingdom of the heavens and the second coming of Christ), it does not even appear the least reverberant accent, not even an inflexion in the immovable line on which the work of tenacious preaching of the fundamental Christian truths goes, in their genuine version, by the authentic Christian living of those who fulfill the word of God: «You will know them after their fruit» (Matt. 7/16).
Shall we wait for some more years? The detractor claim that it is not needed, affirming without any evidence that the devil’s deception is as obvious as possible. With what kind of covetous eyes did they see this thing? Here it is rather revealed the weakness of those who feel abandoned by God because of their sins. They do not admit that the Spirit of God blows wherever He wants, choosing clean and decorated temples, holy people in whom He may dwell. For them a saying goes like this: „If the grapes are beyond fox’s reach she says that they are sour“.
How long shall we wait, therefore, until the presupposed deception of the devil will expose its fruit concretely, so that we may finally agree with those who slander today the word of God and holy Virginia for free?
Certainly, the prophets of all time have been always misunderstood, marginalized, persecuted but they have remained, at the same time, unstoppable, for they have not been working alone, but the Holy Spirit has been working upon them and through them instead: «The word of the Lord became a reproach to me, and a derision, all the day […], but behold, there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with forbearing and I can’t contain» (Jeremiah 20/9);
«Behold, My vessel (the holy prophet Virginia – r.n.) will travel to the doctor today. Now she will get up and will bitterly weep from the pain she has been suffering because of the beatings she received in the train. She was fisted in her head, slapped in her mouth, struck in her lungs, her ribs are almost broken, for she was dragged on the ground and they put her in an emergency room, and now they are taking her to the doctors. But she will be fortuned because she will have a great reward into My kingdom, for she will be among My prophets» (Excerpt from the Word of God, from 21.04.1958. – O.S. / 04.05.1958. – N.S.).
But the prophets will receive the reward of a prophet: «He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward: and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward» (Matt. 10/41).
Of the examples given before, it appears abundantly that God allows that His chosen, the prophets, to pass through special circumstances, super natural or even unnatural, if any case, to transform them from fragile vessels into enduring vessels, invulnerable, capable of fulfilling exactly and fully the mission of the preaching of the word of God.
As far as holy Virginia regards, taking into consideration the historical and political circumstances in which she had dedicated herself to the Lord as a prophetic vessel, it was necessary that a distinction might be made between the spirit of the man and the Spirit of God. Even so, many doubtful people were departing shaking their heads. If the prophecies delivered through the holy Virginia were made wakefully, God’s vessel would be broken into pieces in a revolutionary anger. But in this way, curiosity, mistrust and mystery had appeased the executioners, who chose the way of experiment. Here they had excelled in malefic ingenuity getting holy Virginia under painful and humiliating tests; but God strengthened her vessel during these trials even by its detachment in the extrasensory. It was the unique solution to keep holy Virginia alive then and there where the devilish imagination of the communist security executioners was evolving freely, unleashed.
Therefore, the uniqueness of the solution imposed an unusual way to reach her: the vessel chosen for prophecy was completely taken out of the world morass, so that it might shine like sun afterwards. Although, «a vessel of honor»,chosen from the belly of her mother, it gave the total honor to the «Potter», keeping nothing to itself. However, nothing prevents us from appreciating her sacrifice and the fruit of her prophetic work. Moreover, we should honor her without reserve, as we do with other prophets mentioned in the above argumentation.
«My loved little children, I share with you words from the Holy Spirit with holy love, and teachings for the use of the salvation of your souls» (Excerpt from the Testament of Holy Virginia, from 19.05.1980. – O.S. / 01.06.1980. – N.S.).
«The Lord has loved you exceedingly, for it has never been such a love as His for His little ones» (Excerpt from the Testament of Holy Virginia, from 19.05.1980. – O.S. / 01.06.1980. – N.S.).
«Turn to the Lord’s will and to holiness, so that He may clothe you with power from above and so that He may fulfill His plan with you» (Excerpt from the Testament of Holy Virginia, from 19.05.1980. – O.S. / 01.06.1980. – N.S.).
«Let no one of you seek his own, but each one his neighbor’s good, so that you may have a share in your labor» (Excerpt from the Testament of Holy Virginia, from 19.05.1980. – O.S. / 01.06.1980. – N.S.).
«And as for you, good child, who are careful and have fear before the Lord, why do you not help your brother who is careless?» (Excerpt from the Testament of Holy Virginia, from 19.05.1980. – O.S. / 01.06.1980. – N.S.).
«All that you do, do it as for the Lord, not as for the people, for you will receive your reward from the Lord» (Excerpt from the Testament of Holy Virginia, from 19.05.1980. – O.S. / 01.06.1980. – N.S.).
«Life is short on earth. Do not lose the other one, eternal, for this one. You alone can prepare your place in heaven, as beautiful you want it to be for you» (Excerpt from the Testament of Holy Virginia, from 19.05.1980. – O.S. / 01.06.1980. – N.S.).
If by absurd, we had assumed that the devil had been feeding the Christianity for fifty years with so many heavenly teachings his kingdom would have been falling apart for a long time. That is why:
That is why:
The word of God, therefore, belongs to God, and is from God, and is God, and God is the Word: «I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the One Who was and Who is and Who is to come» (Revelation 1/8).
«O Come, Lord Jesus!» (Revelation 22/20)