Chapter 2: The two thousand years history after Christ

The resettlement of the saint’s’ celebration days

The time is coming to put the ages back to their places, for the time of the red beast, (The communist dictatorship, r.n.), changed from their places My times and My heavenly feastings. Behold, I come with this establishment too, to put it back to its place and to harshly reprimand those that trampled over the parental ones, which were established by Christian blood and by the foundational sacrifice for the clean faith, left by the saints that are with Me now, they who work from heaven with Me.

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as it desolation had been upon the church, and this time of desolation had been long after the priests and bishops made an agreement with Antichrist (With the „Security” of the communist dictatorship, r.n.); and they let themselves to be devoid of the Holy Spirit, and those that came after them, who put the agreement into action, had never seen the empty work and the naked body of the church. And if the bind-ing with God and with the ancestral law was broken, whose brokenness and interruption was not seen, this broken binding had no longer had a forwarding work, so that the Lord might have a church with priests clothed with the Holy Spirit, to leave followers clothed with the Holy Spirit. If the Christ’s priesthood was from one to another, that is from one anointed to another, and if the anointed of a time sold this garment to Antichrist, and if Antichrist wiped out his anointment by ruse, then the work to keep the binding of the chain from one anointed to another had no longer existed, and this way the anointment for the priesthood was only an order made by the people, an order devoid of the gift of the anointment in the priesthood. But this damage and this desolation were not only these, as after that a work of extermination arose, of those who did not listen to reject the ancestral laws, that is to listen to the faith denial, that is to sell their baptism by the agreement made with Antichrist, who managed to displace God’s law from its place. And persecution was inflicted upon those that did not forsake the anointment of the Holy Spirit, and they were locked up and killed by the power of the darkness, and few of them had the Lord in the recesses of their hearts, that served and could leave the anointment from one anointed to another anointed.

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Oh, the world trampled the heavenly feasts, as the antichrist worked out corruption over the church, and God was long enduring and listened to the mourn-ing of the forefathers and of the saints who always cry: „Until when, Lord?”.

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the church on the earth that bears My name and My garment, the Orthodoxy that I kept calling it My bride, forsook God. It wants to deny God, but I say that it has already done so, as there has been no greater schism within My church since two thousand years than the one that was seventy years ago, when it was fulfilled the Scripture that says: «They will make so bold as to change the times». (When, in 1924, the Romanian Orthodox Church changed some of holy days of old style – after the Julian calendar, for the new style ? Gregorian, like Catholics as well, r.n.). Here is the schism of that time; it was the denial of the faith and of the celebrated saints from the heavenly Synod; the denial of the Orthodoxy from our forefathers.

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The forefathers pray for you, so that you may not forget the ancestral holy days, and to establish yourself in them, and to put them back to their place, My Christian country, as this is how the measure of creation was working when I set the signs of the times. I had worked with a measure when I made them all, and I was declaring when I was working the creation in the beginning; I was working and saying: «I have done it», and there was an evening and there was a morning for each work of those that were created. This was the measure: an evening and a morning, and it is not the way the man measures the time to change the times from the place of their creation. (When part of the world churches have moved from old style – Julian calendar – to new style – Gregorian calendar, r.n.)

The man changed the boundary of the creation and the feasts, which come from the fore-fathers. I am the One Who made the times and the signs of the times, and the man changed the signs of the times from their place, and when he changed them, he forgot that the measure was the day, an evening and a morning, and the measure was called day. I am the One, Who made the moon for the times, and the sun, which knows its setting. I am the One, Who put the darkness, which became night for the beasts to come out and bellow and ask for food from Me. I am the One, Who makes the sun to rise and bring together the beasts into their couches, and the man gets out to his work and to his duty until evening. Oh, how much I have grown into My works, and the man forgot it and got up and changed the times and said that it was him. The man became God and he said that it was him, but My measure is the day, an evening and a morning, and these have not been changed from their place and they know their boundary. Only the man does not know My creation and the signs of the time, as I made the moon and the sun to set the times, so that the man may know the measure and not to move it from its place, and to celebrate My feasts at their place. (According to the Julian calendar ? the old confession, r.n.). And then I made another sign of the time, for I rose on the first day of the week, and this day remained to its place, and I will mark down the signs of the moon on it, as I put the moon to set the times, and the son, which knows its setting. (Reference to the way of calculation of the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection ? The Passover, r.n.).

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The Christ’s church has a Christian living and a Christian feast, but look, the Romanian churches wanted to be left on its own head and spoiled its holidays, and removed the holy times from their places, and it is no longer a church, for it is a church without saints, for each moment has its own blessing and each day testifies about its saints.

Let Mine and My saints’ celebrations come back to their places, for I call out again with this call upon the Romanian people that I want to be Christian on the land of My righteousness. I made out of the Romanian land, the land of My word, the land of righteousness, for My word is righteousness on earth, and I will make out of the Romanian land a land of My Christians, and the Christians are they who have a living like Mine and a name like Mine.

Oh, My people, I came to you to weigh your deed. The world rejoices of choice food, with pork meat and strong drinks, and says that it celebrates My birth. But the world butchers pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry to eat and enjoy its celebration, and the Lord’s celebration with the man are not this way. Now it has to be a time of fasting until the day of My birth celebration, (On January 7 after the current Gregorian rite again, r.n.) and you, Romania, butcher pigs and shed blood in the time of fasting. Oh, the blood should not be shed in the time of fasting, teaching and holiness for your preparation for the welcome of My birth celebration. You removed two Sundays from their place for you thought that you can turn the times back, and you did, as it is written in the Scriptures: «They will make bold to change the times».

You should know, Romania, you should know that the feast for the welcome of My birth’s celebration is not over, and you overlook the saint’s ordinances, and they are upset with you and your fathers and I always hear them saying to Me:

— Lord, how long is it until placing us back to our places? Lord, we want to do good to the people, and the people hurt us. Lord, redeem our places for the antichrist drew us out from the church and took our place, coat and house, and the church is without saints, and it does not know its sickness; it does not know where its suffering is coming from. Lord, give the spirit of wakening upon the those that rule upon Your Romanian kindred, to establish the kingdom of Your word back to its place, to tell the antichrist on his name and to redeem the Your dwellings with saints in the, for the antichrist wrote us on the walls and he sits on Your seat and ours, Lord!

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