The Word of God
… Sons My little children, why have I spent time with you if you have not learned what I gave you? I passed from house to house; I ate at the table with you. What do you say sons, when the dust will be shaken off the Lord Jesus’ feet and you feel a great lack? Not a lack of clothes, water, bread or house; not of the earthly things but of Me.
… When I live your house, the sign will remain and you will wear this sign as Isaac Lachedem, who did not receive Me when I went on Golgotha and that man will come short of all My things. Oh, My people, here is the desolation. This thing is written in the holy book: «And when the desolation of abomination comes in the holy place and swallows many of My disciples, then the end is coming.» You know this sign through the dead who die and through the sick people from hospitals.
… Oh, My beloved people that I wanted to have a future for in heaven, to make out of you holy disciples and martyrs, and what God did through John and His people from the beginning! It is written in the book that when the desolation comes into the holy place you know that the king-dom of God has already come. And the kingdom of God does not come through drunkards; it does not come through fornicators; it does not come through blasphemers or traitors; rather it comes through Christians and good deeds. You will see it with your own eyes before you and if you are worthy, you will enter for the door will open and will stand aside and you will hear a fatherly voice: «Come you good servant so that I may serve you!».
… Many stand by Me with the body of empty clay and the spirit arrived in heaven for a long time. It left son, and the spirit said: „I do not come back in the body that I left anymore, as too much I was disgusted and too much I was distressed as in a cell full of devils.”
The kingdom of God is coming. Remain steadfast My child for you will be sorry when you see God and when He tells you: «Go away from Me, you cunning servant, for you deceived your spirit and he cried at your bosom.» God gave you a beautiful future. There will be a beautiful kingdom, but you should know that the mourning will be also dreadful. Know this Christian and do not lift your face from the ground; rather look to the heavenly things and not to the earthly ones.
Sons, all that you asked from Me I gave you. I did not want to reject you, but why God gave you all that you asked for? Only that you may cast God out? Or, that you may not stop from your way?
… My little children, the wealth of the Antichrist is from east to west and from south to north. He gave it to the communists to do with it as they pleased, and they did. They laid a hand on you and your infants. They laid a hand on the graveyards and on holy dwellings. They took hold of the servants of God who were doing their service. You see a servant getting drunk; you see him carousing; you see him committing adultery; you see him getting mad. Many saw and blasphemed the holy thing. Many left the holy dwelling when they saw it and do not want to sit at My table anymore. Do not take the things that were spoiled for the things that are present today as not all of them have been spoiled.
My little children, in the time of your ancestors and forefathers, the miracles were done even by the hand of the disciples. Why do you not do this? Look at the disciple Haralambie (Saint Charalambos, r.n.) who made the mouth of the one who spat him be at his back head. He did not curse him but cried to God to see his enemy. My little children that one who spat Haralambie became a disciple.
… Where is your grace? Look, you do not know the day or the hour when you get into My kingdom. I would tell you but I have nowhere to turn around as you are not on My side for when you got upset you vomited, you sold out and turned traitor.
When the Lord, Jesus Christ chose this pipe, (Through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) he spoke much but now it is rare because of the people not listening. By My work My trumpet will get healed but by your work it got sick.
Many believers are on earth but they do not believe in the holy things and believe in the dead things instead. All breath believes but I speak truly that the faith of this world is not clean as the God’s law requires. Believe in the one who took all breath to a funeral. You will see and believe the word that I speak. Even if the hour came for you to leave, by your faith and by the power of the Lord, you will not leave and remain until His coming instead.
When the Lord, Jesus Christ was crucified, all that were with Him were crying of His inflictions.
… Oh, Christians, when once you were going and ask for a service of health or peace, you were giving little money and your service was done clean and truly and was fulfilling and dearly you were getting rich in the spiritual things. But now your petition is no longer fulfilled at your prayer and you give thousands of money. Why? Because the Antichrist deceived them too, (The priests, r.n.), with all of his things. Once the priestess was not painting her face and she was humble and humbly dressed instead, but now the priest is looking for the beautiful; a beautiful woman, rouged on her face. Oh, My child, God is asking you to know the evil spirit and break the connection with him and depart from him. The evil spirit is intruding in everything: in the teacher and in mistress as well, in school and city halls and into the water. And when you drink water say: „Lord, bless this water”, as even by the water he enters you.
… The devil has now taken power to deceive My elected ones. My little sheep asks from God blessing at every step and in every work, in every desire and behavior. My child, I saw the evil spirit measuring the women’s legs when naked and was whispering: „Your dress is too long”, and she was ashamed and was lifting it a bit higher, and higher, until her dress got to her bottom. Hardly can this be repaired and the woman with a short dress will never be forgiven. Woe to the woman and man who pass away without being mended in their lives! My little children, the man is responsible of his wife and the woman is responsible of his man.
The Lord Jesus came and He has already arrived and is waiting for you to wake up, but know that He is not waiting for a long time. My little children, you do not bear to leave your house or what you earned, but I left the heaven and My Father and all that is in heaven and I came down after you in the deepest place. Do you not know son that you have to ascend above? Why did you go so low? My child you have deceived yourself. Who you are running after? Get up Christian, as from all that have been given to you, by which you have consecrated yourself, you could fly like a bird. Is it not a sin to go that deep? Where are your wings? Where are your haloes? (Like those of the saints in the church, r.n.). You could have wings and haloes as well. Why do you lack them? The saints and the Lord’s Mother braided you a crown of roses to give it to you when you will come to Me and I will lift you up from this place.
My child rise from the dead, as this word will sound when the dead arise. Oh, for how long I have sounded this word and you do not get out of your pit anymore! Elijah ascended to heaven by a fire chariot and fire horses. He made this carriage for himself by his living and his deeds. His deed and life brought God. Why do you not want this? Why have you deceived yourself? Why do you not care about your life? Why do you kill your life? Why do you not love it?
Many cry and are tormented in hell.
My little children do not be wicked like Jews. Do not be wicked like pagans.
My child, the flower in the garden God planted out as he did with you so that you may give your scent out to your Gardener, as each flower has its special scent.
Do not run after the madmen and after the deceived ones. You will be terrified when you see them.
… Where are, Christian, the things of old when the woman was weaving your little dress and shirt? Oh, son, now you pay hundreds of money for a little dress, which you could live long on? Oh, sons, where is the humility of your forefathers and ancestors? Where is it?
… The youth of today fool their parents saying that they have not known how to live? How Lazarus will judge the rich one! For God will give His judgment to the poor to judge the deeds of the rich ones. The beggar will judge and convict you on the judgment day.
… My little sheep, you little flock, little in everything, be wise to what the Lord, Jesus Christ it telling you. I will do with you, son, wonderful things if you mend your life. God is your Father and your Shepherd. The Lord, Jesus Christ turned into a prophet; He did not send another prophet. He became a prophet in the Spirit; for if I were in the body, they would make bigger My cross and would condemn Me more dreadfully. If someone says: „What? Did you see Christ? When I see Him I will repent then.”
… Even if you are a king do not depart from Me and especially work for God. Do not be proud and do not call yourself „Lord”, for it is only One Lord, the Lord, Jesus Christ; as the lords will fall down. Do not receive praise; do not receive this thing before you, for look, the king of today climbed to the highest height and he will soon fall down and will be crushed to pieces be-cause he made an image of icon for himself and the world worships it. (The placards and slogans with which the people get out for demonstrations and bring eulogies and honor to Ceauşescu and to the Communism, r.n.). You will see where the death of this king is, (In Târgovişte, near the „New Jerusalem” monastery, convicted and executed on the Lord’s birthday, at Christmas, 25.12.1989, r.n.), and how they will mourn, that cry for him to live long and flourish.
… I will do with you wonderful things on the last moments and God will reveal His won-ders through His latter children. Do not be afraid of death and of those who want to kill you, for the Lord does not want to lose any one of you, for many of you are written so that you may not have death.
Pray sons for you have dead relatives who agonize in hell. Make charity and numbers of masses for the dead to save the dead ones.
… Peace to you, My last people! Take the peace that I give you and share with those that are not here. Son, when you enter a house give peace and if there is no peace doer in that house, the peace will come back to you and remain in you.
… He who knows that is defiled let him not touch this bed. Not all the time but only then. It is about a woman with a man, for it brings much sorrow and pain to My trumpet.