Chapter 3: The call of the nations and of the world’’s church

The heavenly wisdom and the vanity of the man’’s science

Sons, why did I not learn in school? Sons who learns much, learns also many ugly deeds and he denies the faith, for it creeps the spirit of pride and of self love into the hearts. There have been many, many schools, but there have come out also very many dirty deeds so that you may not think about God and for man to do them as long as he lives.

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Behold, the day is coming when all the breath on the earth, all that will be in and out of the body, may have only one language, the language of the Holy Spirit. He, who is speaking today in the language of the Holy Spirit to the ignorant, has to interpret the significance of the Holy Spirit’s words, but in My day of glory it will be nothing to be asked, nothing to be interpreted, as the Holy Spirit will be the One, Who will be shared, and that Scripture about the new birth of the world will be fulfilled. But until then, I work with you upon the world, My people, and the people of the Holy Spirit, which flows upon you into the language of God’s invisible wisdom.

Behold, the confused language of the world, the confused language, which covered the earth because of the man’s spirit, who became conceited up to God’s throne, this language received the punishment of its mixture, and the man has no way not to discern anything, and man with man struggles, a man over man, and there is no way out from this confusion. But you, My people, you have the language of the Holy Spirit upon you, and you should speak it, son, on the earth, as a great damage has come upon the earth because of the man’s haughtiness, who wanted to tempt God’s hidden mysteries, that hoped in His knowledge; and it is written: «He, who speaks from himself, seeks his own glory», and the man gives glory to one another, and the man relies on one another, and behold a confusion not made clear up to this day and until tomorrow,

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My loved children, I took Abraham out of the confusion of the languages on the earth, and I separated and blessed him, and I blessed all the nations in him; and I have raised out of him a people, and I have always been with this people, and I have had this people from the nations of the earth, and I have stayed into its midst and spoken into My heavenly language, which had been over the people until the confusion of the languages; until the birth of the Babylon over the confused languages. As when the people started to speak on the earth there was only one language, and the people after the flood spread then all over the face of the earth, but they sought first to build a city and a tower into its midst, having the thought to reach up to heaven, and so that this testimony may belong to them, and then to scatter themselves all over the face of the earth. This was man’s work and the Lord looked at the city built by the sons of the people, by the sons who got out with their mind from other people of the earth. And if God saw that the people would not stop from their haughty thought, He had the confusion of their languages come down and they could no longer understand each other; and they did not advance with their tower, and this work, this city, was called Babylon, and afterwards the Lord scattered the people from there all over the face of the earth. And the people remained so and they do not longer have the language of the Holy Spirit. And today is the same, and that is why I said to you that the language of the Holy Spirit cannot be learned on earth, but only in heaven, Israel, My people, as I speak only with you about the heavenly mysteries.

It is written that they who violate one law are guilty, but today all the laws are violated, all the commandments for holiness and how could the people teach other people and this language to be good when they are guilty of those that are holy? The teachers, who teach and speak into the name of God, have read the book of the Holy Spirit, but if they do not fulfill those that are written, it is not said that they teach when the say: „Lord, we taught the world into the markets and followed you”. Woe, what painful it will be the answer of the Holy Spirit, of the language of the Holy Spirit, Which is from heaven and that cannot be included into the book from the earth! This language and its speech is endless on the earth and in heaven, and behold, the book stays open until the end, until the first beginning, which is to come again for the settling down of those that are not shaken. I had not been with My work until then, only what was written then and until then: I am in an endless work, and behold, I work and I speak from heaven over the people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and over the people of Verginica, My people promised to be and to start being, so that all the nations of the earth may come to God and to the school of the Holy Spirit, as it is written: «For out of Zion will come forth the law, and all the nations will flow there». The mount of Zion is God’s throne, from where this work of the Holy Spirit flows over you, Israel, My people. Take son, and give from it, and the one who believes and will be baptized into it, into this water of the river of life, into the water of Jordan, which flows from the throne of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and he, who will be baptized into this heavenly vessel, that one will come to Me and will be received and have resurrection and a day of resurrection.

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A Christian of My kingdom does not look for signs and miracles; he does not search the mysteries of creation, and does not tempt God, the Creator. Here what the false prophet did, as he taught the man that there is no God. He did not tell the man that there is no God, but rather he told the man lies. I am the Creator of those that are seen and not seen, and the earthly man will not be able to perceive with his knowledge into the mysteries of the Creator. The Lord does not allow such things, and that is why the man of the age is a liar; the man of the science of this age is a false prophet.

In Abraham’s time, when God saw that the people erected a tower to climb into it to search out the Creator, what did I, the Lord, do? I confused the languages of the people then, so that they might no longer understand what they spoke and what they wanted. I confused the languages of the proud people and I do the same today with the people; and I do not allow them to perceive into the heavenly mysteries. Behold, sons, that the people received the confusion of the languages; that curse fell on the people who tempted the Creator’s mysteries.

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The man with courage today does one thing, tomorrow another, until he forgets about God, and then he has no other guide in front of him and becomes a guide for himself. Do not take after the man, My people, and keep hold of My word, which teaches you about holiness and heav-enly kingdom. The man has got into the earth to search; he has ascended into heaven to search; he has gone down into the sea to search; he has entered the man to search son, and the man says that he knows. Oh, poor of him, as he is only body without soul, and I will make the haughty man be ashamed, as I will take the sun from the sky and put it into the faithful, and the dwelling of holiness will receive light from the son of the faith; to reveal what the wisdom is. The wisdom is the fear of God. The wisdom is in the man who has the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit stays into a clean vessel, into the clean man, a man after God’s image and likeness.

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The wise man knows to rule his house well and gets hold of spiritual eternity. The fool does not know what life is. He thinks that the life means only the time of the body and stays carelessly and builds whatever he wants, and then he finishes because his body dies, and then he sees that he was fool and he has deceived himself. My disciples did not think and do not think this way. They think in terms of holiness and choose the heaven on earth, and I pass them into the imperishable and forever comforting things, because the reward of their heavenly life on earth leads them there. The simple man chooses his flesh and those that are seen by the flesh.

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The wise man elevates himself with in thought and heart to the Man of the Love. I am the Man of the Love. I am He Who gives the man love and eternal life through love.

The man, who has his body defiled by a fleshly lust, stinks before the heaven, and the heaven does not give wisdom to such a man. The thought of such a man stinks, and the spirit of the clean man rejects the spirit and the body of the man that is defiled.

It is a great thing for the man to be wise. Only the man who chooses the heavenly love and grows it within him with wisdom is called a wise man, as I and My followers up to you did. And I say again: blessed is the simple man; that is the man without God’s love, who comes back like Mary Magdalene, My loved myrrh-bearing women, more loved than each and everybody of that time. She loved sin and flesh passionately, but she gave an even greater love when she came after Me to love Me. He, who loves Me, does no longer sin with anything. He, who loves Me, does no longer love his own self; he does no longer loves the deeds of the flesh, and rather he loves the deeds of the Spirit of Jesus Christ in his body.

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The man raked out with his mind and then said that he is intelligent and made books for himself and gave them the name of a man, and he wrote on them: physics, chemistry, biology and philosophy, but it is not written disobedience on any of them; it is not written death; it is not written emptiness. The most intelligent men were those who became Christians, those who forsook all the earthly science and came back to God to be redeemed of the life and obedience to God. But it is a great thing for a man to be Christian, that is Christ and that is the man in whom Christ stays hidden.

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the measure of the day in the time of the creation was the measure that is made out, the one that has been testifying over the day up to this day, over the measure that is called a day, an evening and a morning. But the man, who created the time over him, lengthened the day; he lengthened everything, and the man that came out of the man does no longer speak like God, as God said this: «It was an evening and a morning», and this godly measure was called day, as also today, an evening and a morning measure the day which was made out in the time of creation. The man is worried; the man who tempts is worried, and being worried, he changes God’s mysteries and understands them like a man, and the man lost his godly measure in the time of creation. The day is measured by morning and by evening, and this mystery is called day, and the word night is not all the same with the word evening, which is part of the word day.

Sons, the day has its godly measure, and the man tells lies over this mystery of the day from the beginning.

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Every science and every language have come to an end by themselves, and it will remain before Me the deified man, who feeds on knowledge from heaven on the earth. The wisdom from the earth is born of the man, and the man is fallen, as the human wisdom is also fallen. The man who serves the sin has wisdom after the sin, as he puts out what he eats. The wisdom of the man wanted to take God’s place and became a God for itself, as the learned man does not receive God as his master. The learned man has the school of the sins, as if he had it not, he would not love the school from the man. The learned man cannot escape from death, but he, who puts an end to his school and sciences and languages, rises to life and becomes a baby at God’s bosom; and he becomes love, and the love brings about love, and it never dies. Sons, sons, school is arrogance, and ar-rogance is the death, which has been dwelling upon the man for seven thousand years. The learned man does not know his purpose, as he has to talk to God, but here, the sons of the people are not God’s sons. The wisdom of the man wanted to take God’s place, but behold, I came and it is silent before Me; it is silent and it will be silent, as it is written into the Scriptures.

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The man has been saying for a long time that he is not made by God. He said that he is older than God; this is what the man said, sons. Oh, what shall you buy any longer, My people, from those that sell? Here is what the man sells. The man sells lies. Who else knows what oil (untdelemn in Romanian, r.n.) means,and what it means to buy oil? The man says that he is older than the earth. The man says that there is no God, if he says that he is older than the earth. No one, no one knows what oil means.The oil is not bought; this heavenly gift cannot be bought. The man says that the oil is the one, which is put into the cooking pot. The man has no longer a spirit of wisdom. The man is fool, as this is written into the Scriptures: «The fool says into his heart that there is no God». Every wise man on the earth knows so, and says so, that he is older than the earth and the heaven. The man multiplied the time from his own reading. Not even Lucifer did what the man who fell down from heaven did, who fell down from that godly knowledge. The man fell down and crushed into a bottomless deep, as he counted millions and billions of years over time. But the time means this: the heaven and the earth; that is all, sons. The eternity was before the Lord’s creating the heaven and the earth, and after the heaven and the earth come to an end, there will be eternity again and redemption over all that it had been carried by time and redeemed for eternity. The man walked to overthrow God and the creation from God; he walked to know and he collapsed falling down into the deep, and it remained the man’s lie upon the man; however, the man took everything out of it, and there is nowhere oil; there is nowhere wisdom, not even for the money.

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The man says that he is not made by God, and if he says so, he knows what he says; he knows why he says it. I said to those without spirit: «You have the devil as your father». The devil is the father of those who say that the man is not made by God. Oh, how comes that he may say otherwise? I made Adam and that is all. I also made Eve, so that the man may be complete in the Lord. But the man pulled himself out of eternity and fell down together will the earth, with all creation made by God.

Oh, what man did to Me; the man made out by Me! But what the man born of man did to Me is outrageous! That is why the man is right when he says that he is not born of God, and sometimes he says that is made out of a monkey, and he is right when he says so; but he is not of the monkey that came out of the earth in a monkey body, as that one is pleasant to God, but out of another species of monkey, and behold, the mouth of the man speaks the truth from the man.

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Listen to My voice, you earth! I am God from everlasting and from now on I am. I will not give My glory to any other god, as there is no god except Me, and the man will cry: „There is God! There is God!”. He will cry as the infants from Jerusalem were crying: «Hosanna, hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!». The man will cry out to testify about God, for he will see God on the clouds, to the judgment of the people’s unbelief. Amen.

Israel, Israel, everyman will testify about you and will say that you are the people of the Lord and the Lord’s tabernacle and the Lord’s kingdom on the earth. Israel, I have to reign on the earth, as that is why I made the earth. I will make it new and everlasting, as I proclaimed into your midst the heavenly and eternal promise.

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In the beginning God made the light and in the end the Lord came as light, so that the man may have light from the Light, word from the Word, as the Word is light. Let there be word; let there be light as in the beginning. In the beginning was the Word, and in the end the Word is the One Which was in the beginning. The light is in the beginning and in the end, as the beginning is in the end.

You should know My people, Israel, that the Lord, your God, made light upon you, so that you may be seen as light. I stay with you into My hand and I carry you among the people, so that it may be light upon the people. As the man stays with the candle in his hand to see what he is looking for, the same way I stay with you in My hand, and I announce you as wisdom from God, as I worked you before Me with wisdom, to find what I lost in the beginning. In the beginning I created the light, and I worked with it for the good of the man, and after that, I created the man to have him in the good, as it is not good for God to be alone, and that is why I created the man to match God, after the image and likeness of God. I made light out of you, My people, as after I created the man to have him and for the man not be alone, the man left Me alone, and I since then I have been looking for him; I look for him to find him and to place him in the good, to place him in Me. I come with the wisdom from above to put it in you, Israel, and to have you as light in the time of darkness, as the man fell and became darkness. The man became darkness and hid into it, and the man gets up and says that he is wise. But I made you light, My people, and I have always advised you to flee from the wisdom, which comes from the man, as the man became darkness before Me. The man fell from heaven on earth, as the darkness is the devil that takes the stars of the sky and throws them down onto the earth, and I have been looking through the dead and took you out and gave you life, Israel; and I gave you face, son, and I made light upon you as in the beginning, and I stay with the light into My hand and look for the man as the woman who lost her drachma was looking for her lost drachma. I am the wise Man, Who casts His net into the sea; Who casts the kingdom of heavens on the earth to catch the lost one into it. The kingdom of heav-ens is a net cast into the sea, which gathers all kinds of fish, and the fishermen draw it to the shore and choose those that are good, and they throw the evil ones into back into the sea.

My Father sent Me on the earth to make you, Israel from the end, to go with you as light into the world, son, and to call into being those that are still not; and I called you a chosen vessel, as I put a birth from above upon you, to be from heaven on the earth, and so that the earth may have light and to be seen into the darkness.

Oh, what does the man want to say, My people? The man has been saying for seven ages, but what really does he want to say? Who understands what he says? The wisdom of the man quarrels with God, but He, Who is, comes and turns the light into the darkness, for the man made the darkness and hid into it. I made of you light into My hand, Israel, as I am the Lord, Who can do it. As the man stands with the candle into his hand to seek the lost drachma into the darkness, the same way I stand with you into My hand and seek what I lost. I look with the light into My hand to find what I lost, and I will rejoice with the entire heaven when I find what I lost.

Oh, it is not good for the Lord to be alone; but it is good to be with the man. It is not good for the man to be alone, but it is good for him to be with the Lord, My people. That is why I gave you birth from above in a time of great pressure, of great darkness (The spiritual darkness from under Ceauşescu’s communist dictatorship, r.n.), and I called you light from the Light, so that its sons may have light, as the darkness stays on the earth and the earth is full of its sons; that the Light may also have sons. The wisdom from above is light from the Light, light over its sons. It is not good for the man to work alone into the darkness. Let the man receive light and work with it, so that he may not be alone. I become word on the earth, so that the man may receive word, as the word is God’s mystery, as everything that is made to be, is made by the word, not by man; by God not by man, but let the man receive light, as it is not good for the man to be alone in the darkness. The people can hardly see the Light, Which comes from heaven over the darkness; the people can hardly see God, as the languages are confused on the earth, and the heaven is not seen on the earth.

Solomon asked for wisdom, but he had remained committing the sin of the man who fell from the eternal life and did not follow the wisdom. It was not Solomon’s wisdom that should have remained, for if it had remained, Solomon would have been wise. But the wisdom is not Solo-mon’s, rather it is God’s, Who came to speak to Solomon the word of wisdom against his sins. However, wisdom was of no use to Solomon, because he did not put it on his life. He, who con-fesses his sins as sins, is discharged of the payment of his sins, and he, who does so, loves eternal life. The eternal life means cleansing of sins; it means the man above the fleshly na-ture. When the Lord has to proclaim a word for the man, then He washes out His hands; however, the Lord sees the haughtiness and the fall of the man ahead of time, the lack of eternal life in the man.

Oh, how good it is, Israel, son, how good it is for the Lord to speak upon your healthy mind, to the glory of His word! How bad it is under the heaven for the Lord to speak upon your sick stature, son, to the sufferance of God’s word, Who struggles with a word of life over the death from the man. Oh, I have mercy on the one who plays with death; I have mercy on the one with a human mind, Israel, and that is why I made you light from Me, to heal the hypocrisy in the man. What is hypocrisy, son? The worldly man does evil openly and is clean in his heart, but the Pharisee, who calls himself God’s man, does evil on the sly, for if he does it openly, he will lose his garment that he covers with, and that is why I told you, Israel: „Beware, son, of hypocrisy, of the yeast of the Pharisees”. God cannot be sold but by Judas. The hypocrite cannot be but the one, who stays under the name of the Christian, of the teacher of the heaven on the earth. The worldly man does evil openly. The Christian man hides with the evil that he does, as he is Christian, and it is no need to be seen that he does evil things.

But to you, Israel, I give you wisdom from above as an example of the kingdom of heavens, which calls out on the earth. The true wisdom in the man is this: the man has to deny himself and no longer be himself, but Christ should be instead. Hear Israel, what your Shepherd speaks! He, who wants to be with Me, should deny himself; he should deny himself even during the time of his prayer, as this is what I said: «I do not do My will, but My Father’s will, the will of the One, Who sent Me». Oh, let the man deny himself and then take up his cross and follow Me, as if he does not deny himself, he cannot follow Me. What does it mean, son, that the man should deny himself to have his way with Christ? Behold, I took up My cross and I follow My Father, after My Father’s will, not after My will. This is what it means for the man to deny himself. This is what I said: «I do not do My will, but the will of the One Who sent Me». He, who wants to follow Me, let him deny himself, and if he does not deny himself, he does not want to follow Me; he cannot be My will if he does not deny himself. Solomon spoke the word of the wisdom but he did not deny himself. He did not listen to God. He listened to himself, and he did not take up his cross to follow Me. This is with every man who worships himself, the idol, his carved image, his own self, sons. If Solomon had loved Me, He would have followed Me, he would have taken up his cross and would have loved Me if he followed Me, but he loved himself; he listened to his own self, and prayed to God to give him wisdom to judge his people.

Israel, dear son, how beautiful is the man who denies himself, how beautiful! There is no greater wisdom than this wisdom. He, who does not deny himself, does not have any cross, and the cross is the man’s denial of himself. Woe to the man without cross! That one is not, and he has no one to be through. He, who is, is through the cross, through the denial of himself, son. I have come to you with the wisdom from above, as Verginica prays to Me to build a house of wisdom in you, so that you may be. I have spoiled you with the light of My word, so that I may ask for your obedience, My people, and that I may help you to deny yourself and to stay through Me; to stay in obedience and to have a cross as I had. I did not do My will. Not I, but My Father wanted to come as Man on the earth, to be crucified and to do His will; My Father’s will, not Mine. Behold, Israel, this is the wisdom and it is one: the man to deny himself. Who is he that denies himself? It is the one who takes up his cross and goes on the way with God. The one, whom you do not see under his cross, is not denied himself. I, the Son of God, denied of My own self and I did the man’s will, as the man’s will was to be crucified on the cross. This is what the man asked; to be put on the cross, and I submitted as the one who denies himself. I promised that I come to you with a lesson of wisdom from above, and I came, My people. I stay on the clouds of archangels; I stay on the sky of angels and speak My wisdom upon you. I was the One, Who denied Himself taking up His cross and following in obedience, and he, who wants to be like Me, let him come to Me, deny himself and to come taking up his cross, taking up with him his self denial. The self-denial is the cross, for the cross is nothing else. There is no greater wisdom to call out among the sons of the people than this wisdom.

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I worked out wisdom out of the word, not out of iron, not out of black oil, not out of gold and silver, and not out of lying. When I made the heaven and the earth, I made them both of the word, but when I made the man, I made him with the word, and then My hand accomplished the godly word, and then My Spirit breathed over the clay and the clay became a man with a living soul. But the man, made iron with a living soul, to the death of his soul, for it is written: «It was given breath to the image to speak; it was given to breathe spirit to the image of the beast to speak, as it said to those on the earth to make an image to the beast». The man does no longer need an angel. Why should he be in need of an angel? His angel is television; it is the computer; it is the flying disk, which is called UFO, (Unidentified Flying Objects, r.n.) not angel. Behold, everything will come to a stop at My last trumpet, which is My angel, the seventh angel who sounds.

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All teaching is called lie on earth. The unfathomable mysteries of the eternal life are put into the darkness; they are wrapped up in falsehood, for the man is a liar like his father, the devil. I come to uncover the lie, and it will no longer be believed as truth, for My word is truth, and every lie finds its perishing in it. And here is what I say: every teaching which comes from man, is a lie. The man stood up to misinterpret the mystery of the resurrection, the mystery of the redemption of the bodies, and he cut himself into the sword of My word from the Scriptures, and I say: no mortal comes to life in another mortal body. (It is not reincarnated, r.n.). No. Every soul carries a body on the earth only once, and then the resurrection comes only once for the mortal body. The man is the body and the soul and his spirit, and each man is his own self and not another man, who was or is or will be. When the saints work on to earth from heaven, they come themselves with their own holy body and they are like Me in power and take from My glory, from My work. Their earthly dwelling is renewed by putting on the heavenly one, and the saints work between heaven and earth against lying, against wickedness, against unbelief, at the call of the faithful man and at My commandment, for the work with the saints over the earth. The one who stands up to misinterpret the Scriptures for the resurrection and the redemption of the bodies, that one is a false prophet who becomes haughty by standing against the godly truth.

I am the Lord God of the saints, and I wrote this into the Scriptures: «God made the heaven and the earth», and he who speaks from himself tells a lie and speaks that there are many dry grounds between earth and heaven, and speaks that there are many other human peoples as well. This is the work of the false prophet who speaks from himself a blasphemy against God, the abomination of desolation on the earth, destroying by lying the souls and bodies of the people everywhere. It is written into the Scriptures about the red beast, full of the blasphemy names, having seven heads and ten horns, which wages war against the Lamb. But the Lamb will overcome, for He is the Lord, and all those with Him, called, chosen and faithful, will overcome. Amen. Then the false prophet will be thrown away together with the red beast, alive, into the fire lake, where brimstone is burning, and those who had carried the sign of the beast and worshipped its image will be killed by the sword, which comes out of My mouth. Amen.

My saints, together with the spirits of My angels, will fulfill every word which comes from Me, and there will no longer be the one who believes the lie, for the teaching of the Scriptures says this: «No one ever ascended into heaven but only the One Who descended from heaven», ascending and descending, descending and ascending and descending again, and every man lies when he says that he knows more than God. I came from heaven on earth and I did not speak what the man spoke. How comes that the man arises, speaking from himself otherwise then I spoke about the truth of the heaven and of the earth? However I have always been coming down from heaven to earth, for it is the time of My coming, and I come and speak the truth from the Scriptures against the lie of the man,

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The wise man asks himself: „How can God speak so much?”. The one, who says this, calls Me weak and limits My power. However, I would speak forever and I would never be silent, for I am the One Who can. The man cannot, but I can, only that the wonder of My power to be seen, the wonder of My word, within which I do not grow tired, for I have to establish a new heaven and a new earth, by word and by the work of My creating word, and I have to frustrate the wise and the learned of this age, for behold, the world through its wisdom has not known God within God’s wisdom, and I, the Lord, save those who are faithful that preach Me, the crucified One, and this is a stumbling block for the Jews, and for the pagans is foolishness, because it is written: «For Jews ask for signs, Greeks seek after wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified; a stumbling block for the Jews, and foolishness to Greeks, but for those who are called, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God». And behold, the wisdom and the strength of the people is overcome by the foolishness and wickedness of God’s sons, so that those that are may put down those that are not, so that no body may boast before Me.

The law of the spirit of life frees the man from the law of sin and death, as it is written: «Those, who are fleshly, lust for the fleshly ones, and those, who are spiritually, lust for the spiritual ones». Amen. The flesh lusts against God and cannot submit to the law of God, and behold, those who are in the flesh cannot be pleased to God, but the man does not want to hear something like this, and rather he feeds on the love of God, or so he says. The man does not like the word of life. Oh, he does not like My long speech, for it is for those who are saved from sin and from the world, and the man calls the preaching of life foolishness and he seeks to hide, saying that it is not I, Who speak so much, and that it is not I, Who speaks Romanian from heaven on earth. However, I am; I, the word of the eternal life, and he, who does not learn from Me, that one fails to get his remove, for the world by its wisdom has not known God within God’s wisdom, for it is written into the Scriptures: «I will lose the wisdom of the wise and the knowledge of the learned I will destroy, and I will call out foolishness over the wisdom of the world and I will ask: where is the wise and where is the scribe of this age?».

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The man pretends to be intelligent, great and well known within all his capacities. The world and the earth are full of the news, which come from the man, from the man’s professions, but the man is not intelligent in respect to God’s love. The man’s greatest wisdom would be this: love of God, but the man does not choose it to fill the earth with it and with its gospel afterwards.

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Behold, sorcerers, fortune-tellers and wizards have got up out of among men that do according to the man’s pleasure, going with touching and fortune telling among the people. But here I am, the Lord, I and My word, so that the man may have it and no longer go to ask the dead. Let the man receive instruction for humility and let him get out from under his will and to be able to ascend at the heavenly Father’s will, so that the Father’s will may be on earth as in heaven. Amen. When I ascended, I told My disciples that I would be with them to the end of the ages. They tried to ask Me questions and I promised them the Holy Spirit, for I longingly wanted for them to have the wisdom from heaven and by it to know all those from Me and to do them.

Many people wonder why the questions cannot be asked here with you, for this is how the people have been taught. Oh, the most beautiful man is the man who is clothed with power from above by the will of the Holy Spirit within him. When the Holy Spirit can have His dwelling place in the man, the man has nothing else to ask, neither in him and nor outside of him. He, who honors the great saints, sees this in them. The Holy Spirit is wisdom in the man. He gives the seat to the Lord within the man. What else may such a man have to ask? What else may the man work out but the Holy Spirit? The one, who has got the Holy Spirit, Who knows and works and fulfills according to His will, needs nothing else more. When I ascended to the Father, My apostles tried to ask Me about the downfallen kingdom of Israel. And I told them: «You will be clothed with power from above. The Holy Spirit will come down upon you and He will teach you everything, for He will take from what is Mine and will tell you, and He will teach you from Me, My will and its fulfillment».

Here is why I ascended from the earth into heaven, from the man to the Father. From the earth I cannot be with the man according to My will for the man asks and tempts Me and is restless to know. However, I give from heaven to the man and I make him used to be humble and quiet and to believe that the Lord takes care of everything. The man who wants to be with Me has nothing to do but My will, the will from heaven, and I give him wisdom, bread, water, salt, garment, peace and life from heaven. What else may the man have to ask? He may not have anything to ask, for he would live in Me and I in him, and I would give him what he might need to wear and to know more. I would give him according to My plan, not according to his plan.

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Let the man take My word and put it upon him and let those around to see him clothed with God and with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, for the man must do, and not speak, and the man has to give himself as a sacrifice, not to exalt himself and not to seek honor from Me or from the people, no, but rather to sacrifice himself for My word, putting it on him and fulfilling. Amen. This is what it elevates the man to Me. This is the wisdom, which keeps the man in Me and Me in man, and the man is full of My glory and not of his glory, and that one has nothing else to ask Me. Amen.

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Oh, let your hearts not be troubled. I give you the solid teaching, solid food, so that you may strengthen your living and to wake Me up within you, and for Me to take root within you, for I am the root of this word which comforts you. Believe it or not, I have to tell who I am. I am the One Who is. I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I am here and I become word and I give Myself out over the earth. Nowhere on earth do I find any man that wants to do like Me for My word of today that I let down here with all its wholeness. If I also spoke here the way as so many people say that I have spoken in so many places on the earth, then I would be loved from here as well; I would be believed here too, and I would be welcomed from here with My way to the people too. But My way is heavenly; it is a right and holy way and the man is afraid of it. And if the man is afraid of the clean way, he would like that My coming in the word to be a lie; the word with which I open up the way of the coming of My body that ascended to the Father two thousand years ago. I did not ascend so that I might not come again. But on the contrary, I said then: «I go so that I may come again; I go to prepare a place», and to come back after I prepare it. Here it is; I have prepare it and the man is too haughty to believe what I say, for I say that every word of Mine, which I come down with into this place prepared by Me painfully, judges the one who does not receive it to put it on him. Behold, the man receives from man but he does not receive from God. I also was a man on the earth and I was wise from the Father and I let the teaching of eternal life upon the man. Why does the man does not receive from Me as well and to be like Me then? Oh, why the man receives only from man. Why, really?

You man that read only what the man says and only what the man writes! Was the man crucified for you that you receive teaching from him and believe so much in him and eat from him so much? How comes that you are not tired of so much learning which takes from your soul, like the big waters, all that is eternal and true in you and from heaven?

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I was in My body on the earth and the Jew and the scribe would come and test Me because of their sexual immoralities and they wanted to laugh at Me because of their immorality. But I did not know how to get rid of them without being caught by a word that would violate the law of the man. My apostle, Paul, would have been burnt at a stake by those who posed as believers of the church without killing the immorality and its body. Paul would have been burnt at a stake if he did not let them under the law of the sin; however, he used to tell them: «Don`t deprive one another, unless it is by consent for fasting and prayer, and because of self-control each one should have his own wife». This word was for those who committed fornication, not for the saints who were crucifying their bodies, their lusts and their desires from it.

Oh, sons from the manger of My word! I feel pity for you when I see that the man comes to you and asks from you and from Me justice for the immorality in his body. I was the same. I was grieved among the people and prepared for sacrifice, to show the man, fond of his own self, what his justice is. It is the sacrifice of those who sacrifice themselves by crucifying of their bodies and by rising in their spirit for My body, which was given to be a member of the man who drinks of My wound, of My body, wounded by yearning after the man, wounded for two thousand years, as My wound has not been closed yet and it has been as long as two thousand years.

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